Floor Type Properties

Modify type properties to change a floor's structure, default thickness, function, and more.

To change type properties, select an element and click Modify tabProperties panel (Type Properties). Changes to type properties apply to all instances in the project.

Name Description
Structure Creates the composition of a compound floor. See Compound Structure.
Default Thickness Indicates the thickness of a floor type, which is determined by the cumulative thickness of its layers.
Function Indicates whether a floor is interior or exterior. Function is used in scheduling and to create filters to simplify a model when exporting.
Coarse Scale Fill Pattern Specifies a fill pattern for a floor in a coarse-scale view. See View Properties.
Coarse Scale Fill Color Applies a color to the fill pattern for a floor in a coarse-scale view.
Materials and Finishes
Structural Material Specifies a material for the structure of the element. This information can be included in schedules. Click the value box to open the Material Browser. See Materials.
Identity Data
Keynote Add or edit the floor keynote. Click in the value box to open the Keynotes dialog. See Keynotes.
Model The model type of the floor.
Manufacturer The manufacturer of the flooring material.
Type Comments Comments about the floor type. This information can be included in a schedule.
URL Link for a manufacturer web page.
Description Provides a description of the floor.
Assembly description Describes the assembly based on the assembly code selection. This is a read-only value.
Assembly Code Uniformat assembly code selected from a hierarchical list.
Type Mark A value to designate the specific floor. This value must be unique for each element in a project. Revit LT warns you when the number value is already used but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Reviewing Warning Messages.
Cost Cost of the flooring. This can be included in a schedule.