Create a Color Scheme

Create a color scheme by selecting the category and specifying the color scheme definitions.

  1. Select a color fill legend and, on the Modify | Color Fill Legends tab, click Edit Scheme.

    As an alternative, click Architecture tabRoom & Area panel drop-down (Color Schemes).

  2. In the Edit Color Scheme dialog, select the category for which to create a color scheme:
    • Areas (Gross Building)
    • Areas (Rentable)
    • Rooms
  3. Select an existing scheme. Then right-click and click Duplicate, or click (Duplicate) under Schemes.
  4. In the New color scheme dialog, enter a name for the new color scheme, and click OK.

    The name displays in the color scheme list.

  5. In the Scheme Definition field, enter a title for the color fill legend.

    The title displays above the legend when you apply the color scheme to a view. You can show or hide the color fill legend title.

  6. From the Color list, select the parameter to use as the basis of the color scheme.
    Note: Be sure that values are defined for the parameter you select. You can add or change parameter values on the Properties palette.
  7. To color by a specific parameter value or by a range of values, select By Value or By Range.
    Note: By Range is not available for all parameters.

    When you select By Range, the units display format appears next to the Edit Format button. If necessary, click Edit Format to change the format. In the Format dialog, clear Use project settings, and select the appropriate format settings from the menus.

  8. Modify color scheme definition values as necessary.
    • At least: Edit the low end range value. This value only displays when you select By Range.
    • Less than: This is a read-only value. This value only displays when you select By Range.
    • Caption: Edit the legend text. This value only displays when you select By Range.
    • Value: This is a read-only value. This value only displays when you select By Value.
    • Visible: Indicates whether the value is colored and visible in the color fill legend.
    • Color: Specify the color option for the value. Click to change the color.
    • Fill Pattern: Specify the fill pattern for the value. Click to change the fill pattern.
    • Preview: Shows a preview of the color and fill pattern.
    • In Use: Indicates whether the value is in use in the project. This is a read-only value for all list items, except any custom values you add.
    • Select a row by clicking the row number. Click or to move the row up or down in the list. These options are available when you select By value.
  9. Optionally, click to add a new value to the scheme definition.
  10. (Optional) To allow coloring of elements (such as rooms and areas) in linked models, select Include elements from links.
  11. Click OK.