
The fluid properties required for fluid flow and heat transfer analysis are listed in the following table.

A set of consistent units for cm and inches is shown. Other units may be used by making the appropriate conversions.

Note for inches, the values are obtained by dividing common table values of these properties by the conversion factor, gc and converting feet to inches, where gc is also defined in the table.

SymbolDescriptionUnits - cmUnits - inch
Cpconstant pressure specific heatJoule/gram-KBtu-inch/lbf-sec2-R
gcconversion factor1.0 gram-cm/sec2-dyne386.4 lbm-inch/lbf-sec2
kthermal conductivityWatt/cm-KBtu/sec-inch-R
  compressibility (ratio of specific heats for gases and bulk modulus for liquid)dynes/cm2 (for bulk modulus)psi (for bulk modulus)
  absolute viscositygram/cm-seclbf-sec/inch2
  emissivity (surface property only)  
rwall roughness (surface property only)cmin