About the VRED Library

Video captions: Last but not least, we give you now the possibility to download four brand-new 3D environments for free. Therefore, you need to go to Web Shops > VRED Library, and after logging in using your Autodesk account, you can choose between four different environments. Just download them to your preferred directory. Be aware that some scenes need to be unzipped, before you open them in VRED because we added multiple light baking texture sets, which you can see in the separate folders.

I will quickly introduce the four environments to you:

Simple Studio: First, we have the Simple Studio. This is a very reduced minimal dark studio setup, which you can use for Raytracing and OpenGL.

Another Studio is the modular studio. Here you have a set of three different studio types within one scene. You can switch them in the Variant Sets and they are working with OpenGL and Full GI Raytracing. You can choose, for example, a dark mode, with glowing letters. In the scene is also a complete alphabet. So, you can adjust the letters to your needs. Additionally, you can switch to a design studio scene, where you can switch on and off curtains, window blinds, and image walls. And also, a lounge style scene setup is included, so you have multiple options to play around and set it up to your needs and taste.

Please be aware that all three base setups have all different light baking texture sets, which have to be loaded. You can see them stored in separate folders.

City: Next one is the city environment. The city contains variant sets for OpenGL and Raytracing. And, for VR, you can hide some objects, if you are running into performance issues using the variant sets.

Harbour: Last but not least, we have a harbour. Within this scene, you are able to set a night and day situation. Therefore, we created two different light baking texture sets. This will give you a perfect example how to deal with different baked texture sets for different light situations. You can also switch some container colors and activate a container door animation. And you can also switch between OpenGL and Raytracing.

I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for watching the video!

These 3D environments are fully immersive and not limited to an image projection of a sphere or dome. This leads to a more realistic experience when moving through the environment. This also means there is no image distortion of the HDRs and no backplates needed.

All 3D environments are optimized for real-time use cases in OpenGL, such as VR sessions, as well as offline renderings/high-end visualization in raytracing. They can be viewed in both render modes and are fully modeled in 3D with actual geometry.

The VRED Library allows us to provide and update our content independent of the VRED release cycle. That means you don't have to reinstall many, potentially very large files when you update or reinstall VRED. Instead, you can selectively download assets as you need them.


If you cannot access Web Shops > VRED Library, speak to your admin, as many companies block the Web Shops options.

Download any of these free 3D environments:

Industrial Harbor

Industrial Harbor environment daytime

Industrial Harbor environment nighttime

This 3D environment contains an industrial harbor with modelled containers and a crane. There are day and night scenarios in both OpenGL (with baked lightmaps) and raytracing, which can be switched with the corresponding variant set. Additionally, container and crane colors can be changed. The doors of a container in the scene, whose interior walls are modelled out, can be opened and are animated.

Modular Studio

Modular Studio environment

Modular Studio environment

Modular Studio environment

This 3D environment contains a modular studio. There are three studio styles that switch to different variants of the room in both OpenGL (with baked lightmaps) and raytracing: Dark, Design, and Lounge. Each style has different ceiling, floor, and wall elements, as well as lighting situations that can be switched with the appropriate variant set. Additional blinds, curtains, and movable walls can be switched to different states independent of the room setting. There is also an alphabet of light tubes available. With it, you can customize the slogan in Studio Dark, according to your needs.  


City environment

This 3D environment contains a city block of a modelled large city with streets, sidewalks, and detailed props, such as trees, traffic signs, and lights. This VRED scene works in OpenGL (with baked lightmaps) and raytracing. There is a variant set for each render mode, which switches corresponding geometry and materials. Additionally, objects can be switched off and on again, via a variant set, to improve performance in VR.

Simple Studio

Simple Studio environment

This 3D environment contains a simple studio with a modelled stage and detailed lighting. It works with both OpenGL and raytracing. To optimize the performance of the scene, e.g., for VR presentations, there is a variant set for lighting, without additional area lights (IBL only), and one with area lights, which requires a higher computation.

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