Switch icon Switch

A switch material can contain several materials, but only one of them is visible at a time. Environments cannot be added to a switch material, only to an environment switch material.

List of switch material variants

Creating a Switch

Create switch materials by doing the following:

Assigning Multiple Material Variants to a Switch

To assign several material variants on creation, select them and then select Create Switch from Selection from the context menu.


When a switch is selected, its material variants are listed in the Attributes and Choice pulldown.

List of switch material variants

However, if they aren't, click the section title.

List of switch material variants

Adding a check next to a material variant makes it active, as does choosign one from the Choice pulldown, which defines which entry of the materials in the list is set to active. Double-click a material variant to load its properties.

Change above the tabs

Click the switch tab to return to the switch and list of material variants.

Change above the tabs

Context Menu

Right-click a material variant of a switch to access the following options:

Select Material icon Select Material (Ctrl+N) - Use for loading the properties of the switch's original material into the Attributes. With a switch selected, right-click one of its material variants and select Select Material to load the original material properties, not those of the material variant.

Select Material option

Select Child icon Select Child - Use for loading the properties of a switch child (material variant) into the Attributes. With a switch selected, right-click one of its material variants and select Select Child to load its properties, instead of those of the parent material.

Select Child option

Notice the change above the tabs. Clicking the parent tab returns to the list of material variants.

Regular Material Material Variant Switch Parent
Change above the tabs Change above the tabs Parent tab

Paste icon Paste (Ctrl+V) - Adds the copied material to the switch.

Delete icon Delete (Del) - Deleted the selected child material from the switch.

Move Up icon Move Up (Ctrl+PgUp) - Moves the selected child material up in order, switching it with the one previously before it.

Move Down icon Move Down (Ctrl+PgDown) - Moves the selected child material down in order, switching it with the one previously after it.

Optimize Materials and Switches

When you select Edit > Optimize Materials, switches are only be merged if the name is the same. Only materials that have been merged are removed. If the material switch name is different after the optimize is applied, the material switch is kept.