Flush Transformations

Learn how to optimize the geometry with the Flush Transformation Nodes parameter in VRED.


Please note, there may be differences between your version of VRED and the video. See the video captions below for updated instructions.

learnMore icon For additional information on flush transformations, see the following:

Video captions: Create a standard primitive. Transform the primitive randomly with the help of the different transformation tools, which can be accessed with the hotkey combinations, Shift and W, Shift and E, and Shift and R. The modification of the geometry is indicated through a change in icon after an update of the scenegraph. After selecting the geometry, prompt the scenegraph menu with the right mouse button, and click the command, Show Optimize Module, in the sub-item, Edit. Optimize the geometry with the selected parameter, Flush Transformation Nodes. The resetting of the transformation coordinates will automatically become visible after updating the render view. The geometry retains its position, even though the transformation values were reset.