VRED 2023.1 Release Notes
To ensure Autodesk VRED products runs to their potential, please ensure your hardware meets the minimum recommended system requirements.
These are the requirements, new features, improvements, and known issues found in VRED 2023.1 products:
Requirement for VRED 2023.1
The following is required for VRED 2023.1:
- For Windows users, 2023.1 requires an NVIDIA RTX driver v.511.65 or above.- For Linux users, 2023.1 requires an NVIDIA driver v.510.47.03 or above. - Linux dependency for Render Node - If working on a Linux machine, set your local directory to
with write access on the Linux machine that is running the VRED 2020 Render Node.
New Features and Enhancements
For the new features and enhancements in Autodesk VRED 2023.1 products, see the What's New.
Fixed Issues
These are the issues we fixed in VRED 2023.1 products:
- Creating a backplate and inlining an image sequence with many large images (4K) no longer crashes VRED.
- -help - The
parameter outputs a list of command line parameters in the opened console window. Press any key to exit.
- VRED Installer Languages - The installers are available in English, German, Japanese, and Korean.
- Localized Substance Tooltips - Localized tooltips for the Material Editor > Substance Package section.
- Truncated String - Changed "Get Values from Object" to "Get from Object" in the Material Editor Texture Settings to fix a truncated string.
- Header Size Change - We have changed the maximum new webserver header size to 64KB for sending large commands over a socket connection to VRED, when using the Python commands,
GET /pythonasync?value=
or GET /python?value=
- DLSS - Glowing objects, lens flares, and shadow materials no longer have an effect on the motion vector buffer when using DLSS.
- NURBS Retessellation - Retessellation no longer breaks NURBS geometry with parent nodes that were translated or rotated.
GPU Raytracing
- Use Accurate Geometry - We now support the Use Accurate Geometry option in the Material Editor > Sphere Environment > Raytracing section in GPU raytracing. When enabled, this corrects any issues with aligning specular and glossy reflections.
- AI Denoiser - Enabling the AI denoiser when displaying clustering in GPU raytracing no longer causes a crash or artifacts.
- Glow/Glare - When GPU raytracing, using an interactive viewport with the Glow and/or Glare option enabled in the camera, images of varying resolutions no longer have a random glow/glare in the right upper edge.
- TCC Mode - NVlink connections are established when GPUs are in TCC mode.
- Disk Light Brightness - The overall brightness of a scene when GPU and CPU rendered for disk light with a light texture is the same.
- Infinite Tiling - When GPU raytracing, Infinite Tiling results are correct when Gamma is not set to sRGB for a texture.
- Texture Orientation - Fixed the texture orientation on spherical lights, so they are no longer flipped.
- RGBA or RGBAZ - Loading RGBA or RGBAZ floating point textures to an area light no longer initiates a crash.
Materials and Material Editor
- Brushed Metal Triplanar Materials - For OpenGL, the tangent vector normalization is no longer missing for brushed metal triplanar materials. Now, results are more similar to precomputed raytracing for certain angles and the blending area between 3 triplanar planes is less bright.
- Updating - When hidden, the Material Editor no longer update content, such as the render previews.
- Triplanar Materials - Triplanar material are now converted correctly.
- Weighting - Added a weighting parameter to the Python API v1 functions
and computeMissingAmbientOcclusion
- Texture Coordinates - When texture coordinate changes are made in the UV Editor using the Python API, the UI updates and changes are undoable.
- tessellateSurfaces -
now works on Linux.
- Enums - Links to enums (nested classes) within a class now work in the in-product Python API v2 documentation.
- vrdNode -
can be added to a set.
- After creating keyframes in Curve Editor, a new scene no longer crashes.
CPA Diffuse - X-Rite CPA1-based carpaints display the diffuse settings in Full GI raytracing.
CPA1 is not supported in GPU raytracing.
Clearcoat Thickness - Metallic carpaint indirect illumination is correctly affected by clearcoat thickness settings when CPU raytracing.
Sceneplates - All sceneplates (frontplates, backplates, and watermarks) now appear when using split stereo in Raytracing mode.
Always in Front - Fixed Always in Front wireframe selection in CPU RT. The wireframe of a selected mesh or shell is now fully displayed in all modes, including all available visualization modes.
Resizing a WebEngine image in CPU Raytracing, no longer initiates a crash.
- Progress Bar - The progress bar updates when rendering to file with OpenGL.
- Cloned Light Intensity - Enabling photometric parameters no longer multiplies a cloned light's intensity.
- Export Alpha Channel Crash - In OpenGL, when an image with a switch material and Export Alpha Channel enabled is rendered, it no longer initiates a crash.
Sceneplate Editor
- ChecKBox - A checKBox now appears in front of a duplicated locked sceneplate or group node.
VR and XR
- Varjo XR-3 users - Updated the Varjo SDK for improved hand tracking. The workaround for the initialization of tracked hands is no longer necessary.
- ShadowPlane - When starting XR mode, if a scene contains a non-geometry node named "ShadowPlane" or similar, a crash is no longer initiated.
- Webengine Renaming - In the Media Editor, when renaming a webengine moved inside a group and using the Name option, the name immediately updates.
Web Interface
- Removed the deprecated remote control tool.
Known Issues and Workarounds
Windows Users in VR with 6+ GPUs - Due to limitations of the virtual address space in Microsoft Windows, using more than 6 GPUs in a NVLink configuration requires setting VRED_DISABLE_CUDA_MEMORY_POOL_SUPPORT
as an environment variable. Disabling the usage of the memory pool will reduce scene initialization and update performance.
For instruction on entering environment variables, see Where To Enter Environment Variables.
Cluster Manager - When saving renders from the Cluster Manager job queue to a network folder, VRED fails to create an output file or trigger a warning.
A workaround for this is to change the file name, the path in Render Settings, and then check to see if the image already exists in that location.
Cluster Failure - A cluster will fail to start, if the last node is localhost in the cluster list.

Explanation: A pipeline and PCs at the beginning of the list need to reach PCs later in the list by the given Name or IP Address. If localhost is used, VRED tries to use the hostname of the master PC; however, PC doesn't know GRED-P710 by name.
Internet Explorer dependency - If installing VRED 2020 on a machine running Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer 10 is needed to display the Let's get started screen.
A workaround for this is to create a deployment installer. When creating deployment installer images, VRED starts up fine for all license types. In the VRED user control popup menu,
- Sign In works
- Sign Out And Quit (user license) won't work
- Manage License won't work
- Explore Purchase Options sort of works, but the web page looks strange due to the older version of Internet Explorer