Changing the Material Preview Shape

Change the shape of the material thumbnail to best display the material, using the material preview dropdown.

Material Preview Geometry menu

To change the geometry, click the dropdown next to the current material preview and select another option.

However, if the material is an asset, you will need to click the Modify Asset button, first. Then, if you want the change to affect all references of that material, click the Save Asset button.

Material Preview Geometry menu


You can assign a different material preview shade to multiple materials at once by multi-selecting materials in the Group Preview, then selecting a shape from the material preview dropdown.

Assigning a different material preview shape to multiple materials

learnMore icon For a video, see Autodesk VRED - Tutorial - Customize Material Preview.

Creating Your Own Material Preview Shape

Add custom shapes to the material preview dropdown, by modifying the MaterialBall.vpb VRED provides.

  1. Load the MaterialBall.vpb from the Autodesk\VREDPro-15.0\data\Internal folder into VRED.

  2. Expand the switch to see the default shapes.

  3. In Alias or some other software, create your geometry, using the default shapes as reference for size, etc.

  4. Add the files to the switch in MaterialBall.vpb.

  5. Select the first transformation node in the hierarchy and export it without the environment as a .vpb.

    Showing the transform node that should be selected before doing an export

  6. Rename the exported .vpb to MaterilBall.vpb and eventually backup the original in a separate folder.

    Showing one has to create an additional node within the switch and the custom geometry is under the MaterialGroup