Linux Licensing Changes in 2020.2

VRED 2020.2 uses the CLM Hub, which makes it easier to deploy VRED. The CLM Hub eliminates write access issues to /var/opt/Autodesk and avoids dealing with extra services required by CLIC v2. These issues were introduced with VRED 2020.0 and 2020.1, as a result of the upgrade from CLIC v1 to CLIC v2.

These are the licensing changes on Linux between 2019.x, 2020.0/1, and 2020.2+:

2020.2 Linux License Change - CLM Hub

VRED 2020.2 moves from CLIC v2 to the use of the CLM Hub, introducing the following:

2020.0 + 2020.1 Linux License Change - CLIC V2

VRED 2020.0 and 2020.1 moves from CLIC v1 to CLIC v2, introducing the following:

Patch for VREDCluster 2020 and 2020.1 on Linux

For customers who don't update to 2020.2, we have provided a zip file (, containing a patch for VREDCluster 2020 and 2020.1 on Linux. It switches the license system from CLIC V2 to the CLM Hub to fix several issues, like write access to /var/opt/Autodesk and extra services required by CLIC v2.


The VREDCluster for Linux, also called VRED Render Node for Linux, is available only from the Accounts portal at (

If you go to (, in the Products & Services > Product Updates, look for VRED Render Node 2020.1.1 License Bug Fix (

Where to find patches and updates

This zip file contains two shell script files, and

Installing the VREDCluster 2020 and 2020.1 Patches on Linux

To install the patches, open a terminal, go to the location of the VREDCluster-12.x folder, and execute the shell scripts, and, from that location.

2019.x Linux License Change - CLIC V1

VRED 2019.x used CLIC v1, introducing the following: