Edit Lifecycle State Comments

You can add, remove, or edit default or other pre-defined comments used in a lifecycle definition. These comments are visible to users when they execute the Change State command.

Note: This feature is available in Autodesk Vault Workgroup and Professional.

Access Lifecycle State Comments

Note: At least one comment must be set as default at all times.
  1. Click Tools  Administration Vault Settings.
  2. In the Vault Settings dialog box click the Behaviors tab  Lifecycles.
  3. In the Lifecycle Definition dialog box, select the life cycle definition, and then click the Comments tab. The selected definition name appears in the title bar.
  4. Select a state on which to comment from the Lifecycle States grid.

Add Comments to a Lifecycle State

  1. On the Comments tab, click Add.
  2. Enter comments for the lifecycle state in the Enter comments box, and then click OK.

Remove Comments from a Lifecycle State

Edit Existing Comments

  1.  On the Comments tab select the comment from the list, and then click Edit.
  2. In the Enter comments box, replace the selected comments with the comments you want to use, and then click OK.