Data Standard and Localization

The dialogs and tabs that come with Data Standard automatically support twelve different languages.

Text strings for these languages are defined in XML files. The files are located here:

C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\<Vault version>\Extensions\DataStandard\<localization folder>

where <language code> is the folder name for a language (e.g., en-US, de-DE, it-IT).

Each language folder contains two files:

These files can be extended to support different languages in customized Data Standard dialogs.

How Is the Language Determined?

Vault Client


UI Strings

Sample: UIStrings.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<UIStrings LanguageCode="en-US">
    <!--Labels used in XAMLs-->
    <UIString ID="LBL1">Folder</UIString>
    <UIString ID="LBL2">Title</UIString>
    <UIString ID="LBL3">Description</UIString>

The XML file contains a <UIStrings> element with an attribute LanguageCode to specify the language. The <UIStrings> element is a collection of <UIString> elements. The attribute ID has to be unique. For your own strings, Autodesk recommends that you use a prefix (e.g., ID="MYPREFIX_LBL1"). The value of the element is the text string.

How to Use UI Strings

Property Translations

Sample: PropertyTranslations.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PropertyTranslations LanguageCode="en-US">
  <PropertyTranslation Name="NAME">Name</PropertyTranslation>
  <PropertyTranslation Name="TITLE">Title</PropertyTranslation>
  <PropertyTranslation Name="DESCRIPTION">Description</PropertyTranslation>

The XML file contains a <PropertyTranslations> element with an attribute LanguageCode to specify the language. The <PropertyTranslations> element is a collection of <PropertyTranslation> elements. The attribute Name has to be unique. The value of the element is the display name of the Vault property.

How to Use Property Translations

Note: For CAD, this property translation is not used because the iProperties, DWG properties, and title block attributes are not language dependent.