Job Processor Command Line

The Job Processor can be stopped, paused, and resumed via the command line.

This is useful in situations where users might want the Job Processor to run only during periods of light activity. With this enhancement, a batch file can now be used as a scheduled task in Windows Task Scheduler to control the starting and stopping of the Job Processor. An example of the various command line switches and what they mean can be seen below.

Override Log In Credentials

JobProcessor.exe accepts command line arguments to override the configured user name, password, and ADMS server login credentials by allowing you to use a blank password. For example:
  • Vault authentication with a blank password:
     JobProcessor.exe -u Administrator -p -s MyVaultServer
    Caution: Be careful when storing clear-text passwords in any applications or batch files. Vault takes special care to encrypt the passwords, but only after the JobProcessor.exe reads it.
  • Windows authentication:
    JobProcessor.exe -w -s MyVaultServer

Example JobProcessorExample.bat

REM start the job processor
start JobProcessor.exe
REM prevents the job processor from processing any more jobs on its queue after finishing its current job
JobProcessor.exe /pause
REM allows the job processor to continue processing jobs on its queue from a paused state
JobProcessor.exe /resume
REM stops and exits the job processor after finishing its current job
JobProcessor.exe /stop

It's important to note that the command line options will never interrupt the execution of a job that is already processing. Stopping or pausing the job processor via the command line only modifies the state of the job processor between jobs, similar to how it would behave if paused or stopped from the UI. This is to prevent jobs from partially executing resulting in some jobs never reaching completion or worse, leaving vault data in an inconsistent state.