User-Defined Property Associations

Associations define the entity classes that can use the user-defined property (UDP).

For example, if a UDP has an association of Change Order, then only change orders can use that UDP.

A UDP can also be associated with specific entity sub-classes. For example, a UDP can be created so that only Folders of type Project are able to use that UDP.

If a new UDP is not associated with any entity classes, it will not appear in the properties grid for that entity.



Bill of Materials Row

Use the Bills of Material (BOM) Row association to create a custom BOM row property.

Note: Properties with a BOM association cannot be associated with any other properties. These properties can only be displayed in the BOM view.

Change Order

Use the change order association to create a custom change order property.

Custom Object

Use the custom object association to create a custom object property. The custom property may be restricted to a certain category type, such as Base.


Use the file property association to create a custom file property. The custom property may be restricted to files of a certain category type, such as Base or Engineering.


Use the folder association to create a custom folder property. The custom property may be restricted to a folder sub-class, such as a basic folder or project.


Use the item association to create a custom item property. The custom property may be restricted to certain types of item sub-classes, such as a part or a document.


A link is a reference between
  • two defined custom object entities
  • a custom object and a file, folder, or item entity
  • a folder and a file, folder, or item entity.

The Link association is used to create a custom object link property to track link data between a custom object and another entity class.

Imported Factory property links show this link association as selected.

Note: The link properties are not accessible via Custom View in the Vault user Interface (lists and tabs). Administrators need to create a custom tab to be able to display link properties.

Reference Designator

A reference designator is a property that makes it easier for electrical users to view a BOM by indicating how an item is tagged, its location, or its installation information.

Use the reference designator association to create a custom reference designator property that can be displayed in the Reference Designator View.