Move a vault to a new location.
Note: The default path for the database files for a Vault is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.AUTODESKVAULT\MSSQL\DATA.
MS SQL requires that the user under whom the SQL service is running must have Full Control for the location to where the database is being moved.
- Launch the Autodesk Data Management Server console.
- Select a vault from the Vaults folder.
- Select Actions ► Move Database.
- On the Move Database Files dialog, browse to the new location for Data file (MDF) and Log file (LDF).
It is not necessary that both the MDF and LDF of a given vault be in the same location.
Note: MS SQL requires that the location to where the database is being moved must be on the same computer where the database is currently located.
- Click OK on the browse dialog.
- Click OK on Move Database Files dialog.
- Click Yes on the prompt to proceed with the Move operation.