Permissions Glossary

Permission Description
Access Cloaked Objects Ability to access all files and folder-level permissions regardless of access
ACL Read Ability to read folder-level permissions
ACL Write Ability to set folder-level permissions
Administer Visualization Watermark Definitions Ability to define watermarks settings on items
Administrator User Read Ability to view user data from all users
Administrator User Update Ability to update data on any users
Auto File Naming Scheme Update Ability to modify auto-numbering schemes for files and items
Change Order Create Ability to create a Change Order
Change Order Delete Conditional Ability to delete Change Order if there are no restrictions
Change Order Delete Unconditional Ability to delete Change Order even with restrictions
Change Order Edit Ability to edit a Change Order
Change Order Participate Ability to participate in the routing of a Change Order
Change Order Read Ability to read a Change Order
Change Order Restricted Change Ability to restrict all files and item lifecycle state changes to Change Order
Change Order Routing Create Ability to create Change Order routing definition
Change Order Routing Edit Ability to edit a Change Order routing definition
Content Category Add Ability to add new content center content
Content Category Delete Ability to delete content center contents
Content Category Update Ability to modify content center contents
Content Publish Ability to publish content center contents
Custom Entity Add & Remove User Defined Property Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a Custom Object instance
Custom Entity Change Category Ability to assign a category to a Custom Object instance
Custom Entity Change Lifecycle Definition Ability to assign a lifecycle state to a Custom Object instance
Custom Entity Change Lifecycle State Ability to edit the lifecycle state to a Custom Object instance
Custom Entity Create Ability to create a Custom Object instance
Custom Entity Delete Conditional Ability to delete Custom Object if there are no restrictions
Custom Entity Delete Unconditional Ability to delete Custom Object even with restrictions
Custom Entity Edit User Defined Property Ability to modify a Custom Object that contains user-defined properties
Custom Entity Manage Definitions Ability to manage Custom Object definitions
Custom Entity Read Ability to view a Custom Object instance
Custom Entity Rename Ability to rename a Custom Object instance
ERP Export Ability to export items to an Engineering Resource Procurement (ERP) system
ERP Import Ability to import items and dwf from an Engineering Resource Procurement (ERP) system
File Add & Remove User Defined Property Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a file
File Administer File Number Ability to assign file numbering schemes
File BOM Read Ability to read a file BOM metadata
File BOM Update Ability to update a file BOM metadata
File Change Category Ability to modify the category assignment for a file
File Change File Number Ability to modify the numbering schemes for a file
File Change Lifecycle Definition Ability to modify the lifecycle definition for a file
File Change Lifecycle State Ability to modify the lifecycle state for a file
File Change Revision Ability to modify the revision value for a file
File Change Revision Scheme Ability to modify the revision scheme for a file
File Check In Ability to checking in a file into Vault database
File Check Out Ability to checking out a file from Vault database
File Create Ability to create a standard file with Data Standard
File Delete Conditional Ability to delete a file if there are no restrictions
File Delete Unconditional Ability to delete a file even with restrictions
File Dependency Add Obsolete
File Dependency Delete Obsolete
File Dependency Update Ability to add or remove file dependencies and also reference migration
File Download Ability to download file
File Move Ability to move a file to another folder within Vault database
File Promote Ability to assign a file to an item
File Read Ability to read a file in Vault database
File Rename Ability to rename a file in Vault database
File Rollback Lifecycle State Ability to revert to the previous assigned lifecycle for a file
File Status Override Ability to override the status of a file
File Undo Check Out (All Users) Ability to undo checking out all users data
File Undo Check Out (Current User) Ability to undo checking out of current user data
File Version Delete Conditional Ability to delete a file version if there are no restrictions
File Version Delete Unconditional Ability to delete a file version even with restrictions
Folder Add & Remove User Defined Property Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a folder
Folder Change Category Ability to modify the category assignment for a folder
Folder Change Lifecycle Definition Ability to modify the lifecycle definition for a folder
Folder Change Lifecycle State Ability to modify the lifecycle state for a folder
Folder Create Ability to create a folder within Vault database
Folder Delete Ability to delete a folder within Vault database
Folder Edit User Defined Property Ability to modify a folder that contains user-defined properties
Folder Read Ability to read a folder within Vault database
Folder Rename Ability to rename a folder within Vault database
Forum Read Ability to read Change Order comments
Get File Rollback Lifecycle State Target Ability to obtain the file based on the reverted lifecycle state
Import historical data Ability to import, export file and item content and properties using Data Transfer Utility
Item Add & Remove User Defined Property Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from an item
Item Administer Item Number Ability to assign item numbering schemes
Item Administer Unit of Measure Ability to assign measurement units to items
Item Change Category Ability to modify the category assignment for an item
Item Change Item Number Ability to changing numbers on individual items
Item Change Lifecycle Definition Ability to modify the lifecycle definition for an item
Item Change Lifecycle State Ability to modify the lifecycle state for an item
Item Change Revision Ability to modify the revision value for an item
Item Change Revision Scheme Ability to modify the revision scheme for an item
Item Create Ability to create a non-model file-based item
Item Delete Conditional Ability to delete an item if there are no restrictions
Item Delete Unconditional Ability to delete an item even with restrictions
Item Edit Ability to modify an item attributes
Item Purge Ability to purge an item version based on the item's lifecycle state control settings
Item Read Ability to read an item
Item Rollback Lifecycle State Ability to revert to the previous assigned lifecycle for an item
Item Version Delete Ability to purge item
Job Queue Add Ability to submit a Job into the Job Server Queue
Job Queue Delete Ability to delete a Job into the Job Server Queue
Job Queue Enable Ability to activate the Job Server
Job Queue Read Ability to view the Job Server Queue dialog
Job Queue Reserve Ability to add, remove, and notify jobs reservation in queue
Label Create Ability to create a tag on a file
Label Delete Ability to delete a tag on a file
Label Read Ability to view a tag on a file
Library Attach Ability to attach a library database file to the SQL server hosting the content center libraries
Library Create Ability to create a library folder in the Vault database
Library Defragment Ability to defrag a library database in the Data Management Console
Library Delete Ability to delete a library database in the Data Management Console
Library Detach Ability to detach a library database in the Data Management Console
Library Info Update Ability to refresh a library database in the Data Management Console
Library Migrate Ability to migrate a library database to the latest version in the Data Management Console
Link Add & Remove User Defined Property Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a file, folder, item, and change order link
Link Create Ability to create a project link
Link Delete Ability to delete a project link
Link Edit User Defined Property Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a project link
Link Move Ability to move a project link to a different folder
Link Read Ability to view a project link
Manage Behavior Definitions Ability to manage lifecycle, revisions, and categories behaviors
Manage Numbering Schemes Ability to manage numbering schemes for files, items, and change orders
Manage Property Definitions Ability to manage user-defined properties definitions
Manage Roles Ability to manage roles and permissions within Roles Management
Manage Site configurations Ability to manage multi-site configuration
Manage Workgroups Ability to manage the replication of file stores
Markup Delete Ability to delete a markup
Markup Edit Ability to modify a markup
Markup Read Ability to view a markup
Modify Visualization Attachment Ability to modify the visualization publishing options
Object Get Attributes Ability to get metadata on entities
Object Set Attributes Ability to set metadata on entities
Override Restrict Life Cycle State Change to Change Order Ability to override a file or item lifecycle state changes outside a Change Order
Properties Rebuild Index Ability to reindex file properties in the Data Management Console
Purge Files Ability to purge a file based on file, item, and version restrictions
Purge Get Options Ability to get file version selection rules in purge wizard
Purge Set Options Ability to set file version selection rules in purge wizard
Read Behavior Definitions Ability to view lifecycle, revisions, and categories behaviors
Remote Site Ability to access a remote site
User Assign Role Ability to assign new role to a user
User Create Ability to create a user
User Read Ability to read its own user data
User Update Ability to update its own user data
Vault Attach Ability to reconnect a detach vault in the Data Management Console
Vault Backup Ability to back up databases and file stores for all vaults
Vault Create Ability to create a new vault in the Data Management Console
Vault Defragment Ability to defrag a vault database in the Data Management Console
Vault Delete Ability to delete a vault in the Data Management Console
Vault Detach Ability to disconnect an attached vault in the Data Management Console
Vault Get Options Ability to read Vault settings when logged in to a vault
Vault management on local site Ability to edit local site properties, replication type, and file store location
Vault Migrate Ability to manually migrate a vault database in the Data Management Console
Vault Restore Ability to restore databases and file stores for all vaults
Vault Set Options Ability to modification of many different administrative settings