Permission | Description |
Access Cloaked Objects | Ability to access all files and folder-level permissions regardless of access |
ACL Read | Ability to read folder-level permissions |
ACL Write | Ability to set folder-level permissions |
Administer Visualization Watermark Definitions | Ability to define watermarks settings on items |
Administrator User Read | Ability to view user data from all users |
Administrator User Update | Ability to update data on any users |
Auto File Naming Scheme Update | Ability to modify auto-numbering schemes for files and items |
Change Order Create | Ability to create a Change Order |
Change Order Delete Conditional | Ability to delete Change Order if there are no restrictions |
Change Order Delete Unconditional | Ability to delete Change Order even with restrictions |
Change Order Edit | Ability to edit a Change Order |
Change Order Participate | Ability to participate in the routing of a Change Order |
Change Order Read | Ability to read a Change Order |
Change Order Restricted Change | Ability to restrict all files and item lifecycle state changes to Change Order |
Change Order Routing Create | Ability to create Change Order routing definition |
Change Order Routing Edit | Ability to edit a Change Order routing definition |
Content Category Add | Ability to add new content center content |
Content Category Delete | Ability to delete content center contents |
Content Category Update | Ability to modify content center contents |
Content Publish | Ability to publish content center contents |
Custom Entity Add & Remove User Defined Property | Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a Custom Object instance |
Custom Entity Change Category | Ability to assign a category to a Custom Object instance |
Custom Entity Change Lifecycle Definition | Ability to assign a lifecycle state to a Custom Object instance |
Custom Entity Change Lifecycle State | Ability to edit the lifecycle state to a Custom Object instance |
Custom Entity Create | Ability to create a Custom Object instance |
Custom Entity Delete Conditional | Ability to delete Custom Object if there are no restrictions |
Custom Entity Delete Unconditional | Ability to delete Custom Object even with restrictions |
Custom Entity Edit User Defined Property | Ability to modify a Custom Object that contains user-defined properties |
Custom Entity Manage Definitions | Ability to manage Custom Object definitions |
Custom Entity Read | Ability to view a Custom Object instance |
Custom Entity Rename | Ability to rename a Custom Object instance |
ERP Export | Ability to export items to an Engineering Resource Procurement (ERP) system |
ERP Import | Ability to import items and dwf from an Engineering Resource Procurement (ERP) system |
File Add & Remove User Defined Property | Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a file |
File Administer File Number | Ability to assign file numbering schemes |
File BOM Read | Ability to read a file BOM metadata |
File BOM Update | Ability to update a file BOM metadata |
File Change Category | Ability to modify the category assignment for a file |
File Change File Number | Ability to modify the numbering schemes for a file |
File Change Lifecycle Definition | Ability to modify the lifecycle definition for a file |
File Change Lifecycle State | Ability to modify the lifecycle state for a file |
File Change Revision | Ability to modify the revision value for a file |
File Change Revision Scheme | Ability to modify the revision scheme for a file |
File Check In | Ability to checking in a file into Vault database |
File Check Out | Ability to checking out a file from Vault database |
File Create | Ability to create a standard file with Data Standard |
File Delete Conditional | Ability to delete a file if there are no restrictions |
File Delete Unconditional | Ability to delete a file even with restrictions |
File Dependency Add | Obsolete |
File Dependency Delete | Obsolete |
File Dependency Update | Ability to add or remove file dependencies and also reference migration |
File Download | Ability to download file |
File Move | Ability to move a file to another folder within Vault database |
File Promote | Ability to assign a file to an item |
File Read | Ability to read a file in Vault database |
File Rename | Ability to rename a file in Vault database |
File Rollback Lifecycle State | Ability to revert to the previous assigned lifecycle for a file |
File Status Override | Ability to override the status of a file |
File Undo Check Out (All Users) | Ability to undo checking out all users data |
File Undo Check Out (Current User) | Ability to undo checking out of current user data |
File Version Delete Conditional | Ability to delete a file version if there are no restrictions |
File Version Delete Unconditional | Ability to delete a file version even with restrictions |
Folder Add & Remove User Defined Property | Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a folder |
Folder Change Category | Ability to modify the category assignment for a folder |
Folder Change Lifecycle Definition | Ability to modify the lifecycle definition for a folder |
Folder Change Lifecycle State | Ability to modify the lifecycle state for a folder |
Folder Create | Ability to create a folder within Vault database |
Folder Delete | Ability to delete a folder within Vault database |
Folder Edit User Defined Property | Ability to modify a folder that contains user-defined properties |
Folder Read | Ability to read a folder within Vault database |
Folder Rename | Ability to rename a folder within Vault database |
Forum Read | Ability to read Change Order comments |
Get File Rollback Lifecycle State Target | Ability to obtain the file based on the reverted lifecycle state |
Import historical data | Ability to import, export file and item content and properties using Data Transfer Utility |
Item Add & Remove User Defined Property | Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from an item |
Item Administer Item Number | Ability to assign item numbering schemes |
Item Administer Unit of Measure | Ability to assign measurement units to items |
Item Change Category | Ability to modify the category assignment for an item |
Item Change Item Number | Ability to changing numbers on individual items |
Item Change Lifecycle Definition | Ability to modify the lifecycle definition for an item |
Item Change Lifecycle State | Ability to modify the lifecycle state for an item |
Item Change Revision | Ability to modify the revision value for an item |
Item Change Revision Scheme | Ability to modify the revision scheme for an item |
Item Create | Ability to create a non-model file-based item |
Item Delete Conditional | Ability to delete an item if there are no restrictions |
Item Delete Unconditional | Ability to delete an item even with restrictions |
Item Edit | Ability to modify an item attributes |
Item Purge | Ability to purge an item version based on the item's lifecycle state control settings |
Item Read | Ability to read an item |
Item Rollback Lifecycle State | Ability to revert to the previous assigned lifecycle for an item |
Item Version Delete | Ability to purge item |
Job Queue Add | Ability to submit a Job into the Job Server Queue |
Job Queue Delete | Ability to delete a Job into the Job Server Queue |
Job Queue Enable | Ability to activate the Job Server |
Job Queue Read | Ability to view the Job Server Queue dialog |
Job Queue Reserve | Ability to add, remove, and notify jobs reservation in queue |
Label Create | Ability to create a tag on a file |
Label Delete | Ability to delete a tag on a file |
Label Read | Ability to view a tag on a file |
Library Attach | Ability to attach a library database file to the SQL server hosting the content center libraries |
Library Create | Ability to create a library folder in the Vault database |
Library Defragment | Ability to defrag a library database in the Data Management Console |
Library Delete | Ability to delete a library database in the Data Management Console |
Library Detach | Ability to detach a library database in the Data Management Console |
Library Info Update | Ability to refresh a library database in the Data Management Console |
Library Migrate | Ability to migrate a library database to the latest version in the Data Management Console |
Link Add & Remove User Defined Property | Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a file, folder, item, and change order link |
Link Create | Ability to create a project link |
Link Delete | Ability to delete a project link |
Link Edit User Defined Property | Ability to add and remove a user-defined property from a project link |
Link Move | Ability to move a project link to a different folder |
Link Read | Ability to view a project link |
Manage Behavior Definitions | Ability to manage lifecycle, revisions, and categories behaviors |
Manage Numbering Schemes | Ability to manage numbering schemes for files, items, and change orders |
Manage Property Definitions | Ability to manage user-defined properties definitions |
Manage Roles | Ability to manage roles and permissions within Roles Management |
Manage Site configurations | Ability to manage multi-site configuration |
Manage Workgroups | Ability to manage the replication of file stores |
Markup Delete | Ability to delete a markup |
Markup Edit | Ability to modify a markup |
Markup Read | Ability to view a markup |
Modify Visualization Attachment | Ability to modify the visualization publishing options |
Object Get Attributes | Ability to get metadata on entities |
Object Set Attributes | Ability to set metadata on entities |
Override Restrict Life Cycle State Change to Change Order | Ability to override a file or item lifecycle state changes outside a Change Order |
Properties Rebuild Index | Ability to reindex file properties in the Data Management Console |
Purge Files | Ability to purge a file based on file, item, and version restrictions |
Purge Get Options | Ability to get file version selection rules in purge wizard |
Purge Set Options | Ability to set file version selection rules in purge wizard |
Read Behavior Definitions | Ability to view lifecycle, revisions, and categories behaviors |
Remote Site | Ability to access a remote site |
User Assign Role | Ability to assign new role to a user |
User Create | Ability to create a user |
User Read | Ability to read its own user data |
User Update | Ability to update its own user data |
Vault Attach | Ability to reconnect a detach vault in the Data Management Console |
Vault Backup | Ability to back up databases and file stores for all vaults |
Vault Create | Ability to create a new vault in the Data Management Console |
Vault Defragment | Ability to defrag a vault database in the Data Management Console |
Vault Delete | Ability to delete a vault in the Data Management Console |
Vault Detach | Ability to disconnect an attached vault in the Data Management Console |
Vault Get Options | Ability to read Vault settings when logged in to a vault |
Vault management on local site | Ability to edit local site properties, replication type, and file store location |
Vault Migrate | Ability to manually migrate a vault database in the Data Management Console |
Vault Restore | Ability to restore databases and file stores for all vaults |
Vault Set Options | Ability to modification of many different administrative settings |