Server Maintenance Part 2: Restore Vault Data

Restore Vault data from a backup.

  1. In the Autodesk Data Management Console, click Tools ► Restore.
  2. Restoring a vault deletes the current data sets and file store. This action cannot be undone. You are prompted for confirmation before proceeding. Click Yes.
  3. Specify whether to restore a directory or a file.
  4. In the Select backup directory for restore field, specify the location of the backed up data. To browse for a location, click ... and locate a directory using the file browser.
  5. Select whether to restore the database to the original location or to a different location. If you choose Select Restore Location, specify a target directory for the database. This selection is sometimes necessary when restoring data to a different machine that does not have the same drive letters or locations available.
  6. Select whether to restore the file to the original location or to a different location. If you choose Select Restore Location, specify a target directory for the file store.
  7. Click OK.

    The vault data is automatically migrated when it is restored using Autodesk Vault server console. If you restore the data using the command line, migrate the data after it is restored.