Customize Data Standard Dialogs

The Data Standard dialog represents the XAML file. The dialog and Vault properties can be customized before and after the dialog is opened.

The dialog type is System.Windows.Window and can be accessed in PowerShell using the variable $dsWindow.

Dialogs in Data Standard for Vault

The XAML definitions for the multiple dialogs of Data Standard for Vault are located in the directory:

%programdata%\Autodesk\<Vault version>\Extensions\DataStandard\Vault\Configuration

By default, one file fore each supported Vault entity is provided: File.xaml, Folder.xaml, and Task.xml.


Dialogs in Data Standard for AutoCAD

The XAML definition for the single dialog of Data Standard for AutoCAD is located in the directory:

%programdata%\Autodesk\<Vault version>\Extensions\DataStandard\CAD\Configuration

For all AutoCAD Drawings, the file AutoCAD.xaml is used.


Dialogs in Data Standard for Inventor

The XAML definition for the multiple Data Standard dialogs for Inventor is located in the directory:

%programdata%\Autodesk\<Vault version>\Extensions\DataStandard\CAD\Configuration

For regular Inventor Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings, the file Inventor.xaml is used. For selected functional parts and assemblies, there are specific dialogs shown, Each dialog has its own xaml file: CableAndHarness.xaml, DesignAccelerator.xaml, FrameGenerator.xaml, TubeAndPipe.xaml
