Create a Custom Job

Associate a custom job with a lifecycle transition.

Associate a custom job with a lifecycle transition.

Two steps are necessary to create a custom job. First, an administrator adds a custom job to a lifecycle. Second, a programmer creates the job.

First, add the custom job type to a lifecycle. You must be an administrator to do this.

  1. Click Tools > Administration > Vault Settings.
  2. On the Vault Settings dialog, click Behaviors tab > Lifecycles.
  3. On the Lifecycle Definitions dialog, select a Lifecycle Definition (e.g., Basic Release Process) and then click Edit. The selected definition name appears in the title bar.
  4. From the Lifecycle States list, select the lifecycle state to edit and then click the Transitions tab.
  5. Click Edit to open the Transitions dialog and select the Custom Job Types tab.
  6. Click Add and enter a name in the Add to Input New Custom Job Type Name field. Click OK.
  7. Note: A typical naming convention is to prefix your company name to any job types.
  8. Click OK to exit the Transition dialog.
  9. This Custom Job Type will be initiated whenever an object transitions through this lifecycle.

  10. To enable this Custom Job on other transitions, repeat steps 3 - 5 and specify an existing Custom Job Type instead of creating a new Custom Job.

Next, a programmer creates the job (new plugins to the Job Processor). Jobs are code defined as .NET dlls; you decide what the Job does.

Note: This is intended to run as a service, so avoid UI code.
  1. Create a .NET assembly.
  2. Set up a procedure.
  3. Deploy the procedure to a certain directory location.
  4. Configure the Job Processor to find and load the extension. The next time the Job Processor runs it loads your extension.
  5. When the Job Processor sees a Job Type that matches one your plugin can handle, the Job Processor will route the job to your plugin code.

More information: Autodesk Vault Developer Tools