You can modify a mesh of finite elements for a selected panel by:
- creating a new mesh of finite elements for the contour (each new mesh of elements removes the old mesh, unless the Mesh freeze option is activated).
- applying the Refinement or the Consolidation command to the existing mesh.
Activate the Refinement command by:
- clicking Analysis menu > Meshing > Mesh refinement.
- clicking
in the toolbar.
After the command is selected, the Mesh Refinement dialog displays.
Using Refinement increases the refinement of the mesh of finite elements in the user-defined area. The created mesh of rectangular elements is divided into smaller triangular or rectangular elements, depending on the specified parameters. You can refine a mesh of finite elements, after the following parameters are provided:
Mesh refinement type
Simple - finite element edges will not be divided.
Double - each edge of a finite element will be divided into 2 parts (this is the default option).
Triple - each edge of a finite element will be divided into 3 parts.
- Element list - elements for which the mesh will be refined.
- FE mesh freeze for the modified panels:
- If you select this option, the FE mesh will become frozen after you refine it for selected panels. The mesh will not be changed during the preparation of a structure for calculations (generation of a calculation model for the structure).
- If you clear this option, the software will use the mesh generation parameters specified in the Meshing options dialog. During the preparation of a structure for calculations, the FE mesh will then be updated for the panel on which the mesh has been refined.
To refine a mesh of elements:
- Select a refinement type (simple, double, triple)
- Select finite elements to be refined
- Turn on or off mesh freeze for finite elements
- Click the Apply button.
See also:
Mesh consolidation