
Using this option, you can define panels within structures. Access the option by:

After the option is selected, the Panel dialog displays.

To define a panel, specify its parameters:

Note: Using the browse buttons to the right of Reinforcement, Thickness and Model, you can access the New Bar Type, New Section or Panel Calculation Model dialog, in which you define a new panel thickness, plate and shell reinforcement type or panel calculation model. The defined thickness, reinforcement or model types are then added to the appropriate lists of thickness, plate and shell reinforcement types or panel calculation models.

The extents of the panels are defined by defining their edges (definition of contours). The panel contour may contain bar elements, objects, and polylines. To define a panel:

After panels are defined and calculations started, a planar FE mesh is created according to the parameters you specify in the Job Preferences dialog (Meshing Options).

The FE mesh is visible only after the FE Mesh option is selected in the Display dialog.

For a given contour, you can repeat the procedure for creating an element mesh. However, the "new" planar element mesh will overwrite the existing one. Two planar FE types are available in the software:

During FE mesh creation, the nodes inside the selected area are created first, and then the nodes are assigned to the appropriate finite elements. Nodes inside the area (contour) may be created using an algorithm:

See also:

Examples of creating finite element meshes (plates and shells)

Node numbering for 6- and 8-node finite element