Results menu

Results Freeze

The option protects against the loss of structure calculation results (against displaying the structure calculation status: Out of date), when after performed calculations an operation is carried out in the program which changes the structure data saved in an *.RTD file.

Menu: Results > Results Freeze command

This option is also available in the toolbar:


Node Properties...

Selecting the command results in opening the dialog that presents the basic information and calculation results concerning a single structure node. The option is available after selecting a structure node.

Menu: Results > Properties > Node Properties... command

Bar Properties...

Selecting the command results in opening the dialog that presents the basic information and calculation results concerning a single structure bar. The option is available after selecting a structure bar.

Menu: Results > Properties > Bar Properties... command

Diagrams for Bars...

Selection of this command results in the presentation of the diagrams of section forces selected during structure analysis.

Menu: Results > Diagrams for Bars... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):

See also: Diagrams

Maps on Bars...

Selecting this command results in displaying a schematic map of sectional forces on structure bars.

Menu: Results > Maps for Bars... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):

See also: Maps on bars


Selection of this command results in displaying the section force maps defined during structure analysis.

Menu: Results > Maps... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):

See also: Maps

Panel Cuts...

Selection of this command results in displaying sectional force diagrams in the selected plate or shell section.

Menu: Results > Panel Cuts... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):

See also: Panel cuts


Once this option is selected, the reactions set during structure analysis will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Reactions command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):


Once this option is selected, displacements defined during structure analysis will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Displacements command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):


Selecting this command results in displaying structure deflections obtained in structure analysis.

Menu: Results > Deflections command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):


Once this option is selected, the forces defined during structure analysis will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Forces command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):


Once this option is selected, the stresses defined during structure analysis will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Stresses command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):

Plate and Shell Results

Once this option is selected, the results of structure calculations for finite elements will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Plate and Shell Results command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):


Once this option is selected, the results in form of a table for the specific stories of a building will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Stories command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Core walls

Once this command is selected, the results in form of a table for the core walls will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Core walls command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Diagrams for buildings...

This option is used to present structure deformations and some specific results in form of diagrams for the core walls and the building stories.

Menu: Results > Diagrams for buildings... command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Detailed Analysis...

Selecting this option results in displaying a viewer presenting detailed analysis of the selected bars/planar elements in the current structure.

Menu: Results > Detailed Analysis... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):

Global Analysis - Bars...

Selecting this option results in activating global analysis for bars in the current structure.

Menu: Results > Global Analysis - Bars... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):


Modal Analysis

Once this option is selected, the results of structure calculations for modal analysis will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Modal Analysis command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):

Pseudostatic Forces

Selecting the command results in opening the table presenting the pseudo-static forces calculated during structure analysis.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Pseudostatic Forces command

Interaction Forces

Selecting the command results in opening the table presenting the interaction forces calculated during structure analysis.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Interaction Forces command

Reduced Results for Panels

Selecting the command results in opening the table presenting the reduced calculation results for panels. The results may be used for other calculations, for instance, for the calculation of reinforcement that is to be used in the walls aimed to maintain the stability of a building undergoing the operation of forces originating in wind or seismic impact.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Reduced Results for Panels command

Critical Loads

Once this option is selected, the results of structure calculations for buckling analysis will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Critical Loads command

Influence Line...

Selecting this command results in displaying the results obtained for moving load case in form of influence lines.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Influence Line... command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Time History Analysis - Table

Once this option is selected, the results of structure calculations for transient analysis in the form of tables will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Time History Analysis - Table command

Time History Analysis - Diagrams...

Selecting this command results in displaying the time history analysis results in the form of diagrams of the selected values in a time function.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Time History Analysis - Diagrams... command

Frequency Response Functions (FRF) - Tables

Once this option is selected, the results of structure calculations for harmonic analysis in the form of tables will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Frequency Response Functions (FRF) - Tables command

Frequency Response Functions (FRF) - Diagrams...

Once this option is selected, the results of harmonic analysis in form of diagrams will be displayed.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Frequency Response Functions (FRF) - Diagrams... command

Footfall Analysis - Tables

Using this option, you can display results of the Footfall analysis as tables.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Footfall Analysis - Table command

Footfall Analysis - Maps...

Using this option, you can display results of the Footfall analysis as maps on bars and panels.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Footfall Analysis - Maps... command

Footfall Analysis - Diagrams...

You can display detailed results in diagrams such as full excitation (the effect of excitation from one node on another) or self excitation (the effect of excitation of a node on itself) in diagrams.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Footfall Analysis - Diagrams command

Pushover Analysis - Diagrams...

Selecting the command allows presentation of pushover analysis results in the form of diagrams.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Pushover Analysis - Diagrams... command

Capacity Curve...

Selecting the command allows you to estimate the state of a structure after performing structure pushover analysis.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Capacity Curve... command


This option is used to display structure deformation and diagrams of selected forces on bars.

Menu: Results > Advanced > Diagrams... command

Stress Analysis:

Stress Analysis - Bars...

Opens a dialog in which stress analysis in the cross and longitudinal sections of a given structure bar may be activated.

Menu: Results > Stress analysis > Stress Analysis - Bars... command

Stress Analysis - Structure...

Opens up the Structure stress analysis layout.

After the Structure stress analysis layout is selected, a viewer with the structure view, the table of results and the dialog managing the stress analysis appear on the screen.

Menu: Results > Stress analysis > Stress Analysis - Structure... command


Opens up the Structure stress analysis dialog. The stress selection is made in this dialog and the method of the stress graphic presentation can be defined.

Menu: Results > Stress analysis > Calculations / Diagrams... command

Stress Table

Opens up the Structure stress dialog.

The structure stress analysis dialog (table) contains the numeric values of stress displayed in form of a table. All the typical and user-defined stresses can be displayed. The stress for particular bars is displayed as min/ max values for selected load cases. Global extremes for particular stress cases with information about the bars and the cases where they occur are displayed at the end.

Menu: Results > Stress analysis > Stress Table command

Stress Maps

Selecting this command allows you to display the structure with the shapes of the profiles and detailed stress maps on the sections.

Menu: Results > Stress analysis > Stress Maps command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):