List of common keyboard shortcuts

Common keyboard shortcuts are listed below. Click Tools Customize Customize keyboard if you want to modify these shortcuts.

File Menu

New Project CTRL + N
Open Project CTRL + O
Save CTRL + S
Screen Capture CTRL + ALT + Q
Print CTRL + P

Edit Menu

Undo CTRL + Z
Redo CTRL + Y
Cut CTRL + X
Copy CTRL + C
Paste CTRL + V
Delete DE
Select All CTRL + A

View Menu

  Dynamic View CTRL + ALT + O
Zoom Window CTRL + ALT + L or ZZ
Zoom All CTRL + ALT + D or ZA
Explode CTRL + ALT + E
Zoom Out Ctrl + Alt + R or ZV
Zoom In Ctrl + Alt + A
Display the 3D view of a structure (3D XYZ) Ctrl + Alt + 0
Project a structure on the XZ plane Ctrl + Alt + 1
Project a structure on the XY plane Ctrl + Alt + 2
Project a structure on the YZ plane Ctrl + Alt + 3
Rotate continuously around the X axis Ctrl + Alt + X
Rotate continuously around the Y axis Ctrl + Alt + Y
Rotate continuously around the Z axis Ctrl + Alt + Z


  Search the Help F1
  Reduce structure attributes (supports, numbers of nodes, bars, loads) presented on screen PgDn
  Enlarge structure attributes (supports, numbers of nodes, bars, loads) presented on screen PgUp
  Toggle on/off the section drawing display Ctrl + Alt + P
  Toggle on/off the section symbol display Ctrl + Alt + S
  Call text editor F9

Mouse Buttons

The following actions can be performed with the mouse in the drawing area.

Mouse wheel Zoom in / zoom out
Shift + mouse wheel Pan (top / bottom)
Ctrl + mouse wheel Pan (left / right)
Middle mouse button Pan
Shift + right mouse button 3D rotation

See also:

Work modes - 3D view

Edit operations (zoom, pan) with the use of the mouse