Structural Axis Dialog


Dialog elements

The tabs available in this dialog depend on the system selected.

Cartesian system
  • X: Vertical coordinates in the YZ plane.
  • Y: Horizontal coordinates in the XZ plane.
  • Z: Horizontal coordinates in the XY plane.
Note: The X and Y coordinates are used in the case of structures such as plates or grillages. The X and Z coordinates are used for axisymmetric or planar structures such as 2D frame, 2D truss, membranes, and plane deformation.
Cylindrical system
  • Radial
  • Angle
  • Z (for 3D structures only)
Arbitrary system
  • Arbitrary system.

Depending on the type of axis you selected, the following items are available.

Defines the point on the axis in the global axis coordinate system, from which the positioning of the first defined axis or level is sized. The default value is 0, if no axis or level has been defined, or the value of the position of the last defined axis or level.
Number of Repetitions
Specifies the number of generated axes or levels.
Specifies the spacing between the generated axes or levels.
List of axes/levels
Displays the list of available levels and axes, and their position in the global coordinate system.
Specifies if letters (A,B,C,...) or figures (1,2,3,...) should be used for the selected axis. By default, letters are used on the vertical axis, and numbers are used on the horizontal axis.
Inserts defined axes from fields.
Removes all pre-selected axes from the list.
Delete All
Removes all axes from the list.
Single out
Highlights a selected axis in the list of defined structure axes. An X displays in the third column of the table corresponding to this axis.
Axis manager
Opens the Manager of structural axes dialog dialog.
Clears the content of the dialog.