Note: Debugging is not available in AutoCAD LT.
There are several reasons why the Debug operation might not start. Here are some of the most common reasons why the Debug operation might not start:
- launch.json file might not have been created or configured correctly
- launch.json file is placed in a workspace and not a folder
- Make sure the file you are trying to debug is of the LSP or MNL type; if you created a new file, make sure you save it with the appropriate file extension
- Make sure the LISPSYS system variable is set to 1 or 2, if you are running AutoCAD on Windows
If you have a
launch.json file in a folder,
launchlisp or
attachlisp might not be configured properly. Here are some of the things to look at:
- Path attribute of
- Doesn’t contain or contains an incorrect path to the AutoCAD executable, see
To Setup the AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension for Debug
- Path isn’t specified as an absolute path to the AutoCAD executable
- On Mac OS,
'\\' is being used as a path separator instead of the expected
- Process attribute of
- Doesn’t contain or contains the incorrect or case-sensitive name of the AutoCAD process