Launch into Autodesk® CFD

In this step, we open the AEC model into Autodesk® CFD.

  1. Start Autodesk® CFD, and click New.

    new study

  2. On the New Design Study dialog, click Browse...

    new design study

  3. Navigate to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk\CFD 2020\Tutorials\Quick Start\AEC, and select AEC-Office-model.sat. Click Open.

    select aec folder

  4. On the New Design Study dialog, enter a name for the Name, make sure the button option is set to Create, and click Create:

    new study name

  5. You will probably see a dialog called "Geometry Tools." Close it by clicking the "X" in the top right corner:

    geometry tools

    This dialog indicates that small edges were found, but we will not remove them because they are an intentional part of the model.

  6. The geometry imports in units of meters, but we need to convert it to inches. To do this:

    • Right click on the Geometry branch of the Design Study Bar, select Change length units to, and click on inch-BTU/s.

      change units to inch

What it should look like:

Autodesk® CFD starts, and you should see the model. Note the dimension values on the axes:

first open

Note: In the next step we rotate the model so you can see more of the structure.
