About DGM File Data

DGM files typically contain land XYZ information at a regular grid-spaced interval to represent ground relief.

In general, the DGM source data is contained in one section of the DGM file (Logical record type `A'), and the actual data (XYZ) information is contained in another part of the DGM file (Logical record type `B').

The following data, based on logical record type `A', is displayed for each DGM file that you add to a surface:

Element Name

Corresponding Data Element Number in Logical Record Type ’A’




The first 140 characters of a DGM file, which may include the file name and location.

Estimated Point Total


The estimated number of points in the DGM file, rounded up to three significant digits.

Coordinate System Type


The ground planimetric reference system: UTM, State Plane, or Lat/Long.



Code that defines the zone in ground planimetric reference system. These can be found in Appendixes 2-E and 2-F of Standards for Digital Ground Models. The Zone is meaningful only if Coordinate System Type is UTM or State Plane.

Horizontal Datum


The horizontal datum of the ground planimetric reference system, such as NAD27.

Vertical Datum


  • 1 = local mean sea level
  • 2 = National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929 (NGVD 29)
  • 3 = North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD 88)

For more information, see Appendix 2-H of the Standards for Digital Ground Models.

Vertical Datum Shift


The value is the average shift value for the four quadrangle corners obtained from program VERTCON. Autodesk Civil 3D adds this value to the vertical datum to convert to NAVD88. If the vertical datum is NAVD88, then the vertical datum shift value should be zero.

DGM Level


There are three possible DGM Levels:

  • Level 1 DGMs are level data sets in a standardized format. This level includes 7.5-minute DGMs or an equivalent that is derived from stereo profiling or image correlation of National High Altitude Photography Program, National Aerial Photography Program, or equivalent photographs.
  • Level 2 DGMs are level data sets that were processed or smoothed for consistency and edited to remove identifiable systematic errors. DGM data derived from hypsographic and hydrographic data digitizing, either photogrammetrically or from existing maps, are entered into the Level 2 category after review on a DGM editing system.
  • Level 3 DGMs are derived from DLG data by using selected elements from both hypsography (contours and spot levels) and hydrography (lakes, shorelines, and drainage). If necessary, ridge lines and hypsographic effects of major transportation features are also included in the derivation.

X-Y Units


The unit of measure for ground planimetric coordinates throughout the file, such as radians, feet, meters, or arc-seconds.

Level Units


The unit of measure for level coordinates throughout the file, such as feet or meters.

Minimum Level


The minimum level for the DGM. The value is the units of measure defined by Level Units.

Maximum Level


The maximum level for the DGM. The value is the units of measure defined by Level Units.

X Spacing


DGM spatial resolution for X values. The value is the units of measure defined by the XY Units.

Y Spacing


DGM spatial resolution for Y values. The value is the units of measure defined by the XY Units.