About Pipe Network Part Properties

Use the Pipe Properties dialog box and the Structure Properties dialog box to view or edit properties associated with any given pipe network part.

Part properties define a variety of characteristics of the part, including the part family the part belongs to, a part type and properties defining the part’s size, shape, level, automatic resizing behaviours and other behaviours. Part properties originate from definitions of the part in the part catalogue.

After you insert a part into a drawing, you can edit many of its properties. Those changes apply only to the currently selected part in the drawing. For example, once you add a structure, such as a manhole, to a drawing, you can change the structure’s inside diameter by editing the value for the Inner Structure Diameter property, in the Part Data collection, on the Part Properties tab. The default value for the structure’s Inner Structure Diameter property that is maintained in the part list (or the part catalogue) is not affected.

Part properties are organized into the following categories:



General These properties specify the surface and alignment referenced by the part. For pipes, there are properties that specify flow direction. For structures, the structure level at its insertion point is specified.
Geometry For pipes, these properties specify general characteristics of the pipe, such as the flow direction method, flow direction, and the surface and alignment referenced. For structures, these properties specify characteristics such as the structure’s rotation angle, offset, chainage data, and the number of pipes that are currently connected to the structure.
Resize Behavior The resize behaviour property is specific to pipes. It specifies the behaviour that occurs when the pipe is automatically resized. You can choose to have the pipe hold to its soffit, invert, or centreline level when it is resized.
Hydraulic Properties For both pipes and structures, these properties specify hydraulic information, such as hydraulic grade lines and energy grade lines, that the pipe network may have received from the Storm Sewers Extension.
Insertion (Cover) and Sump Behaviour These properties are associated with junction structures only. They specify the structure’s insertion point (structure cover) and sump level and adjustment behaviour.
Part Data For both pipes and structures, these properties specify a variety of part characteristics, such as part type, part subtype, and the part size name as defined in the part catalogue. Some of these properties define the part’s basic primitive shape and behaviour, and therefore are read-only.

The Pipe Properties and the Structure Properties dialog boxes have the following tabs:

The Structure Properties dialog box has the following additional tabs for viewing data about pipes and catchments connected to the structure: