Translate imported coordinate data by specifying translation and rotation settings. Use the Import tab of the LandXML Settings dialog box to set the values.
- Base point values. The base point coordinates in the drawing are used to translate and rotate all imported values. These coordinates are in the drawing units.
- Translate coordinate values. The coordinate values are used to translate data from the base point. These coordinates are in the drawing units.
Note: In certain circumstances, you can assign the same values to both the translated coordinates and the base point coordinates. For example, the values would be the same if you want to rotate the coordinates without translating them.
For example, the following formula is used to translate the imported level values:
(Translation Coordinate Level - Base Point Level) + LandXML Level = Imported level value
Therefore, if the LandXML file level is 90 feet, the base point level is 0.000 feet, and the translate coordinate level is 10.000 feet, the formula is:
(10.000 - 0.000) + 90 = 100
- Rotation angle and direction. The angle and direction, measured about the base point, about which the data is rotated.