CL IS [figure] (station) (point) |
Defines a centerline
CL INV [point 1] (point 2) |
Displays point data in reference to the current centerline
CL TP (point) [station] (offset) (skew angle) (description) |
Creates a new point by station offset
CL TP BY [point] [station 1] [offset] [distance] (station 2) (description) |
Creates points at an increment along the centerline
CL LEV (point) [station] [offset] [level] (description) |
Creates a point by station, offset, and level
CL POLE (point) [station] [offset] [staff] (description) |
Creates a point using station, offset and pole height
CL VD (point) [station] [offset] [vertical distance] (description) |
Creates a point along a centerline using a vertical distance
HI [level] |
Defines the height of instrument
XS [station] |
Sets the current cross section station
XS LEV (point) [offset] [level] (description) |
Creates a point with offset and level from the current cross section
XS POLE (point) [offset] [staff] (description) |
Creates a point by offset and pole height from the current cross section
XS VD (point) [offset] [vertical distance] (description) |
Creates a point by offset and vertical distance from the current cross section