Edit Feature Settings - View Frame Group Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view and change view frame group-specific settings.

This topic documents settings in all view frame group-related Edit Settings dialog boxes (drawing-level, feature-level, and command-level).

For information about drawing-level ambient settings, see Ambient Settings Tab (Drawing Settings Dialog Box).

Default Styles

Use these settings to specify the default styles assigned to view frame group components.

Match Line Style

Specifies the default style for match lines. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Match Line Style dialog box.

View Frame Style

Specifies the default style for view frames. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the View Frame Style dialog box.

Match Line Left Label Location

Specifies the default location for labels that are displayed on the left side of a match line. Click in the value field to select a location from the list.

Match Line Right Label Location

Specifies the default location for labels that are displayed on the right side of a match line. Click in the value field to select a location from the list.

View Frame Label Location

Specifies the default location on the view frame for view frame labels. Click in the value field to select a location from the list.

View Frame Label Style

Specifies the default style for view frame labels. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the View Frame Label Style dialog box.

Match Line Label Style Left

Specifies the default style for labels that are displayed on the left side of a match line. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Match Line Label Style Left dialog box.

Match Line Label Style Right

Specifies the default style for labels that are displayed on the right side of a match line. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Match Line Label Style Right dialog box.

Profile View Style

Specifies the default profile view style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Profile View Style dialog box.

Profile View Band Set

Specifies the default style for profile view band sets. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Profile View Band Set dialog box.

Default Name Format

Use these settings to specify the default name formats for view frame group components (view frame groups, view frames, match lines, layouts, and sheet files). Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Name Template dialog box.

Sheet Creation

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreateSheets command.

Use these settings to specify the default styles assigned to sheet creation.

Sheet Creation Method

Specifies the default method for creating new sheets:

  • A specified number per new drawing
  • All in a new drawing
  • All in the current drawing
Number of Layouts per Drawing

Specifies the number of layouts per new drawing.

Align North Arrow

Specifies whether the selected North arrow block is aligned to North.

North Arrow Block Name

Specifies the name of the selected North arrow, as entered in the cell.

Sheet Set Use

Specifies whether you create a New sheet set for any new sheets, or whether you Add To Existing sheet sets.

Existing Sheet Set

Specifies the sheet set file to which you add a new sheet, if you select Add To Existing for Sheet Set Use.

Add to Vault

Specifies whether newly created sheet set files are added to Vault.

Align Profile and Plan View

Specifies whether profile and plan views are aligned:

  • At Start Chainage
  • At Center
  • At End Chainage

View Frame Creation

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreateViewFrames command.

Use these settings to specify the default styles assigned to view frame creation.

Alignment Chainage Range

Specifies whether creation of view frames is Automatic for the entire alignment, or for a User Specified range.

Sheet Type

Specifies type of sheet to be created:

  • Plan And Profile
  • Plan Only
  • Profile Only
View Frame Orientation

Specifies whether view frames orient Along Alignment or Rotate To North orientation.

Enable First View Frame Offset

Specifies whether the first view frame is offset.

First View Frame Offset Distance

Specifies the distance by which the first view frame is offset. Enter a distance in the Value column or click and select a distance in the drawing area.

Insert Match Line

Specifies whether match lines can be inserted.

Match Line Snap Chainage

Specifies whether match lines snap down to a rounded chainage value.

Match Line Snap Chainage Value

Specifies a whole number, multiples of which are the chainage values.

Match Line Repositioning

Specifies whether match lines can be repositioned after placement.

Match Line Repositioning Value

Specifies the distance by which match lines can be repositioned after placement. Enter a distance in the Value column or click and select a distance in the drawing area.