About Viewing and Correcting Profile Design Criteria Violations

Use the warning symbols to verify whether the profile design meets the specified criteria and design checks.

When a profile uses the criteria-based design feature, the profile geometry must meet the design criteria specified in the design criteria file and design checks.

When a profile sub-element violates the design criteria, a warning symbol is displayed in the following locations:

You can use the warning symbols in the drawing window to view information about criteria and design checks that were violated. When the cursor is hovered over a warning symbol in the drawing window, a tooltip displays information about the violation. If a design criteria was violated, the tooltip displays the criteria that has been violated, as well as the minimum value required to meet the criteria. If a design check was violated, the tooltip displays the name of the design check that has been violated.

Note: If a sub-element violates more than one criteria or design check, only one warning symbol is displayed in the drawing. To clear the warning symbol, the sub-element must be modified to meet all the design criteria and design checks.
Best Practice: The name of the design check should be similar to the formula you enter in the Design Check field. When a design check is violated, only the design check name is displayed, and not the minimum acceptable value. If the formula is in the design check name, it is easier to correct the violation.

Tutorial Exercise: Viewing and Correcting Profile Design Criteria Violations