Create Roundabout - Markings and Signs Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify details for the markings and signs located in the roundabout.

Note: This functionality has been replaced by the new roundabout feature and is included here for compatibility reasons. For current roundabouts, see About Roundabouts.

This dialog box is the fourth in a series of four dialog boxes that step you through creating a roundabout. It lets you configure geometry parameters for the construction triangle and splitter island in each approach road of the roundabout.

Approach Road Alignments Selected

The number of approach road alignments that are currently selected for creating this roundabout is displayed at the top of this dialog box.


Use these buttons to scroll through and specify parameters for islands included in each of the approach roads. If you want to apply the same parameters to all of the approach roads, use the Apply To All button. If you want to apply different parameters for the approach roads, do not use the Apply To All button.

The approach road alignments are named using a naming convention that identifies the direction of the base alignment that was selected; for example, an “East to west approach” road contains “EW” in the approach road alignment name (Approach_EW_).

Apply to All

Clicking this button applies the parameters that are currently specified on this dialog box to all of the approach roads included in this roundabout.


These parameters specify which blocks should be inserted into the roundabout to represent signs in the roundabout. To insert a sign, place a check mark in the Draw check box, then navigate to and select the block by clicking the button.


Lists the type of sign that will be inserted into the roundabout. You cannot change the sign types that are listed on this dialog box (for example, AB3a, B21-1, and so on). However, you can specify any block to be inserted for each sign type.


Place a check mark in this check box to add the sign to the roundabout. If you do not want the sign to be added, clear this check box.


Displays the name of the selected block representing a roundabout sign.


Click to select a block for this sign.


For some sign types, you can specify a distance. This specifies where the sign will be inserted, relative to the outer edge of the roundabout. This parameter specifies a point back from the yield line from where a straight is established to define where the driver’s line of sight will intersect with the central island.


Specifies the offset of the traffic sign insertion point relative to the edge of the roundabout. For example, the offset of the B21-1 sign defines the distance of the sign from the central island. This allows the sign to be placed in the driver’s line of sight.

This parameter is used along with the Distance parameter to control where the sign is placed.

Leader Length

Specifies the leader length for the sign. Set this parameter to zero if you want the sign to be inserted without a leader.

Post Height

Specifies the height of the sign post. Set this parameter to zero if you want the sign to be inserted without a post.


Specifies the size of each traffic sign block. All default signs have a width of 1 unit. To insert a sign 0.6 units wide, enter a value of 0.6 in this field.

Pavement Markings

These parameters specify the pavement markings for the roundabout. You can add four different types of pavement markings: Outer Edge, Island Edge, Central Line, and Yield Line. For each one, you can specify a line type and marking width. All markings are created as AutoCAD polyline objects with a defined width factor.

Outer Edge

Adds pavement markings to the outer edge of the roundabout.

Island Edge

Adds pavement markings to the edge of the island in the roundabout.

Central Line

Adds pavement markings to the central line in the roundabout.

Yield Line

Adds pavement markings to the yield line in the roundabout.


Adds or omits pavement markings for the selected roundabout component.


Specifies the linetype of the pavement marking.


Specifies the width of the pavement marking.

Island Tip Markings

These parameters specify markings for the tip of the island included in the roundabout.

You can include or omit island tip markings for roundabouts.


Select this option to add markings to the tip of the splitter island in the roundabout.


Specifies the offset location for the island tip marking.


Specifies the width of the island tip marking.


Specifies the angle that the island tip marking is inserted.


Specifies the gap between where the crosswalk marking is inserted and where the island edge marking is inserted.

Crosswalk Markings

These parameters specify markings for the crosswalk included in the roundabout.

You can include or omit crosswalk markings for the roundabout.


Specifies parameters for crosswalk markings at the roundabout’s merging (approach road) tapers.


Specifies parameters for crosswalk markings at the roundabout’s diverging tapers.


Adds or omits crosswalk markings at the roundabout’s merging (approach roads) and or diverging tapers.


Specifies the distance of the crosswalk markings from the outer edge of the roundabout.


Specifies the length of the crosswalk markings.


Specifies the width of the crosswalk stripe.


Specifies the width between two crosswalk stripes.

Break At Entry\Exit Island Edge

Selecting this option breaks the island edge marking at the point where it would intersect the crosswalk marking.


Specifies a gap that you can insert between the crosswalk marking and the island edge marking.

Click Back to move to the previous dialog box in this series of dialog boxes, Finish to execute the command and create the roundabout, or Cancel to close the dialog box and cancel creating the roundabout.