Display Tab (Alignment Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to change the display and visibility of alignment object components.

Alignment components include:

Line: Solved lines with true straight lengths that are part of the alignment geometry.

Curve: Solved curves that are true curve lengths within the alignment.

Transition: Transition elements within the alignment geometry.

Arrow: Shows the direction of the alignment elements, either solved or unsolved.

Line Extensions: Line segments that extend beyond the solved portion of a line to a pass-through point or another constraint.

Curve Extensions: Curve segments that extend beyond the solved portion of a curve to a pass-through point or another constraint.

Straight Extensions: Line segments that extend beyond the solved portion of a straight to an implied IP.

Warning Symbol: Markers that identify elements that violate the rules specified in the design criteria file. This component only applies to alignments that use design criteria.

Pass-Through Points: Markers that denote the pass-through points that define the geometry of any given element.

IP Points: Markers that denote the pass-through points of two lines only when the pass-through points coincide exactly.

Chainage Reference: Markers that denote the chainage reference point on the alignment.

For more information, see Display Tab (Style Dialog Box).