Cant Curve Manager Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to review cant curve details and edit design criteria.

Cant Curve

Displays the curve name and highlights the curve in the drawing. Select a curve from the list, or click Previous or Next to navigate through the curves.

Toggle Real-Time Pan

Pans to the selected curve in the drawing.

Create User-Defined Curve
Creates a user-defined curve from alignment entities in the drawing. This feature enables you to create user-defined curves from spirals or tangents and define cant for them. Use the alignment layout tools to add spirals or tangents to the alignment, and then from the Cant Curve Manager dialog box, click the Create User-Defined Curve button and select the spiral or tangent entities in the drawing. Specify a radius for the curve, and then click the Cant Wizard button to define the cant for the new curve.
Note: It is required to specify a radius value for a user-defined curve even if the selected entities are comprised of tangents only. If you do not specify a radius value, the cant cannot be calculated with the Cant Wizard.

Cant Curve Details

Curve Name

Specifies the name of the curve. The curve is highlighted in the drawing.

Curve Definition

Displays the curve definition.

  • Automatic: the curve was automatically detected.
  • User-defined: the curve was created manually
Design Speed

Specifies the design speed for the curve. Click to display the Design Speeds tab of the Alignment Properties, where you can add or change design speeds on the alignment. For more information, see Design Criteria Tab (Alignment Properties Dialog Box).

Note: The following curve properties are read-only:
  • Radius
  • Direction
  • Start Station
  • End Station
  • Length
  • Track Width

Right-click any of these items for options to zoom or pan to property in the drawing.

Transition In and Transition Out Details

Entities Before

Displays the element type and direction of the elements before the curve. None is displayed if the alignment begins with a curve.

Transition Method

Displays one of the following:

  • Not Calculated
  • User Defined
  • Normal Transition: Occurs in the area where the cant changes from zero cant to full cant or to zero cant from full cant.
  • Reverse Transition: Occurs between two back-to-back reverse curves, where full cant for one curve transitions into full cant in the opposite direction.
  • Compound Transition: Occurs between two back-to-back compound curves, where full cant at one curve transitions into full cant of the other curve.

The transition method is determined by the occurrence of overlap and the type of curve (reverse or compound).


Displays one of the following:

  • Not Calculated
  • With Previous or Next Curve
  • Resolved
  • None

Cant Criteria

Identifies the parameter values specified when cant was calculated using the Calculate Cant wizard. For descriptions of each property, see Calculate Cant wizard.


In situations where the design criteria file cannot be found you must specify a file and update the file path. After specifying the file, right-click a Value cell and click Apply To Entire Alignment.


If you make a change to the Cant Criteria, the Cant Status in the Cant Curve Manager is displayed to indicate the status is ‘Out of Date’. Click the Recalculate button to update the data display.


When you edit Cant Criteria in the Cant Curve Manager, the changes are only applied to the currently displayed curve. To apply the changes to all curves, right-click a Value cell and click Apply To Entire Alignment.

Cant Status

Displays the current status of the cant data as Calculated, Not Calculated, or Out Of Date.


Click to recalculate the cant on all ‘out of date’ curves. This option is displayed when a change is made to the Cant Criteria or design speed.

Cant Wizard

Displays the Calculate dialog box, where you can calculate cant for one curve, a selection of curves or the entire alignment.

Tabular Editor

Displays the Cant Tabular Editor.