To Work With Sample Line Styles

In Autodesk Civil 3D, all objects have a standard object style grouping on the Settings tree, called an object style collection. You use this to create, edit, copy, and delete the styles for that object. For more information, see About the Object Style Collection (Settings Tree).

Styles control the way a sample line, section, and section view is displayed in a drawing. Sample lines, sections, and sections views have label styles that control the appearance and behavior of their labels in a drawing. Create a new style by copying an existing style. Then change its properties to suit your requirements. Use the Sample Line Style dialog box tabs to specify the main properties.

Note: Before editing an existing sample line style to change its properties, remember that any changes you make will apply to all sample lines that use the style. If you want to change the style of some sample lines but not all, consider creating a new style.

To create a new sample line style

  1. In Toolspace, in the Settings tree, expand the Sample Line Styles collection.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click Sample Line Styles collection. Click New.
    • Right-click the existing style to use as a template. Click Copy.
  3. In the Sample Line Style dialog box, enter or change the name of the style and other settings as required.
  4. Click OK.

To copy an existing sample line style

  1. In Toolspace, in the Settings tree, expand the Sample Line Styles collection.
  2. Right-click the existing style. Click Copy.
  3. In the Sample Line Style dialog box, change the name of the style and other settings as required.
  4. Click OK.

To edit a sample line style

  1. In Toolspace, in the Settings tree, expand the Sample Line Styles collection.
  2. Right-click the existing style. Click Edit.
  3. In the Sample Line Style dialog box, change settings as required.
  4. Click OK.

To delete a sample line style

  1. In Toolspace, in the Settings tree, expand the Sample Line Styles collection.
  2. Right-click the style to delete. Click Delete.
  3. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.