Mapcheck Analysis Window

Use this window to create, edit, and output a Mapcheck Report.

Collapse All

Collapses all items in the tree view.

Expand All

Expands all items in the tree view.

Use Command Line Interface

Toggles on and off the command line input. When this button is toggled on you are prompted to pick labels in the drawing to create the mapcheck. Toggle this button off to create a mapcheck by entering data manually.

New Mapcheck Report

Clears the existing mapcheck report and starts a new report.

New Mapcheck

Creates a new mapcheck and Start Point (SP) in the Mapcheck Report.

New Side

Adds a new side to the end of the current mapcheck.

Note: This button is disabled if you have not entered a SP.
Insert Side Before

Inserts a new side before the current side.

Insert Side After

Inserts a new side after the current side.

Note: This button is disabled if a side is not selected, or if you have not entered a SP.

Deletes the current side or current mapcheck if no side is current.

Input View

Displays the Mapcheck Analysis window in input mode. You can enter and modify values in the view.

Output View

Displays the Mapcheck Analysis window in output mode. This view displays the closure summary.

Copy to Clipboard

Copies the contents of the input view or output view to the Windows Clipboard.

If a mapcheck is current then only that mapcheck is copied to the clipboard. If no mapcheck is current then all mapchecks are copied. Press ESC to clear a selection in tree view.

Insert MTEXT

Inserts the contents of the input view or output view as an Mtext object in the drawing.

If a mapcheck is current then only that mapcheck is inserted into the drawing. If no mapcheck is current then all mapchecks are inserted into the drawing as separate Mtext objects. Press ESC to clear a selection in tree view.

Create Polyline

Inserts a polyline into the drawing representing the current mapcheck. If there is no current mapcheck then a polyline for all mapchecks is inserted into the drawing. Press ESC to clear a selection in tree view.

Mapcheck Tree


Specifies the optional mapcheck name. If a name is not assigned, the display is Mapcheck <number>.

Start Point (SP)

Click to specify the Start Point (SP) in the drawing. All other Side points are calculated from the SP.


Modify the easting value for the SP.


Modify the northing value for the SP.


A side can be either a line or a curve. The following section describes the values for a line Side type.

Side Type

Specifies the Side as line.

Angle Type

Specifies the angle type to be used. Select Direction, Angle, or Deflection from the drop-down list.


Specifies the angle value for the Side based on the angle type.

Reverse Direction

Select the check box to reverse the line direction or the curve chord direction by 180 degrees to calculate the endpoint coordinates for the Side.


Specifies the distance value for the Side.


Displays the calculated easting value for the Side.


Displays the calculated northing value for the Side.

A side can be either a line or a curve. The following section describes the values for a curve Side type.

Side Type

Specifies the Side as a curve.

Curve Direction

Specifies the curve directions as Clockwise or Counter-clockwise.

Traverse Method

Specifies how the error of closure is calculated and displayed in the Output View.

Specify one of the following:

  • Across Chord: The endpoint of the curve is calculated from the Chord direction and distance.
  • Through Radius: The endpoint of the curve is calculated based on the direction to the radius point, the radius length, the delta angle, and the direction from the radius point to the tangent point. If this option is selected, additional information is displayed in the Output View.

Specifies the radius value. This value is required.


Calculated curve properties do not display in the Input View. Click Output View to display the output view.

Arc Length

Specifies the length of the curve.

Delta Angle

Specifies the curve delta angle.


Specifies the curve straight distance.

Chord Angle Type

Specifies the angle type as Direction, Angle, or Deflection. If the angle type is set to Angle or Deflection, the specified angle value is relative from a straight line at the point of curvature to the tangent point (long chord).

Chord Angle

Specifies the chord angle value.

Reverse Direction

Select the check box to reverse the line direction or the curve chord direction by 180 degrees to calculate the endpoint coordinates for the Side.

Chord Distance

Specifies the chord distance value.


Displays the calculated easting value of the Side endpoint.


Displays the calculated northing value of the Side endpoint.