Display Tab (Match Line Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to view or change the display and visibility of match lines and the match line mask area.

View Direction


Some object styles have unique display values and varying numbers of displayed components, depending on whether Plan, Profile, Section, or Model is selected for View Direction. For match lines, only PlanView Direction is supported.

Component Display


Specifies the style for match lines. Match lines are only displayed in plan views, not profile views. You can set the following style characteristics for match lines: Visibility, Layer, Color, Linetype, LT Scale, Lineweight, and Plot Style.

Match Line Mask

Specifies the style for the match line mask areas. Match line mask areas are only displayed in plan view and in paper space. The match line mask area is the area outside of match lines, between the outside of the match line, and the inside of the view frame boundary.

Component Hatch Display

Match Line Mask

Specifies the hatch pattern for the match line mask areas, which are only displayed in plan views, not profile views. You can define a pattern, angle and scale for hatching in this closed polyline area.

For more information, see Display Tab (Style Dialog Box).