View Frame Group and Layouts Page (Create Sheets Wizard)

Use this page of the wizard to select the view frame group and output settings for layout creation.

View Frame Group

Specifies the view frame group used to create the sheets. Click to select a view frame group in the drawing.

View Frame Range

Specifies which view frames to include in the sheets.

  • All: This is the default setting. Select this option to create sheets for every view frame in the view frame group.
  • Selection: When this is selected, the Choose View Frames button is available, and you can click it to select one or more view frames from the list in the Select View Frame dialog box.

Layout Creation

These options determine how the layouts will be created.

Number Of Layouts Per New Drawing

This option may be an appropriate choice if you plan to have several people working on individual sheets. When this option is selected, and you enter 1 for the value, you get one new layout (sheet) created in each new drawing. The total number of sheets and drawings would depend on the length of the alignment selected and other criteria, such as the size of the viewports in the referenced template.

If you select this option and enter a value greater than one, three for example, three new layouts would be created in each new drawing. The total number of sheets and drawings would depend on the length of the alignment selected and other criteria, such as the size of the viewports in the referenced template. You can enter an integer from 1 to 255.

All Layouts in One New Drawing

This option may be an appropriate choice if having each individual layout in a separate drawing is not necessary for you, and if you have less than 10 sheets. You may place all the layouts in one newly created drawing. The total number of sheets would depend on the length of the alignment selected and other criteria, such as the size of the viewports in the referenced template. For optimal results, it is recommended that you create no more than 10 sheets per drawing. Therefore, this option may not be the best choice if you have more than 10 sheets.

All Layouts in The Current Drawing

If you are only generating less than 10 sheets, you may want to generate the layouts in the current drawing. The total number of sheets would depend on the length of the alignment selected and other criteria, such as the size of the viewports in the referenced template. For optimal results, it is recommended that you create no more than 10 sheets per drawing. Therefore, this option may not be the best choice if you have more than 10 sheets.

Layout Name

Specifies the name of the layout(s) that will be created.

Opens the Name Template dialog box, where you can modify the naming template for the layouts.

Choose The North Arrow Block To Align In Layouts

All blocks that exist in the currently selected template are displayed in the drop-down list. If you select a block from this list, that block will be aligned to the north on the sheet(s). Typically, this option is used for aligning a north arrow block in the layouts.