Use this tab to specify settings for the border component of a surface object.
Borders display the actual extents of the surface, which can be different from boundaries, which are used to define the surface extents.
Specifies how to display the border:
Specifies the level used to flatten the borders; available only when Border Display Mode is set to Flatten Levels.
Specifies the scale factor used to exaggerate the borders; available when Border Display Mode is set to Exaggerate Level.
Specifies whether to display outer borders. The outer border is the outer extents of the surface.
Specifies whether to display all interior borders. This option is useful when you want to build footprints or “holes” in your surface where survey data is not present or applicable, and you do not want to represent levels for that area.
Specifies whether or not the outer boundary can display a datum. The datum is displayed at the level specified in the Datum Level property.
Specifies whether the outer boundary segments are projected to the datum. The projection of outer boundary segments to the datum is only visible when viewing the surface object in 3D.
Specifies the datum level. The datum is only visible when the border is displayed in 3D.