If an ArcGIS dataset has associated raster data, you can insert it into a drawing using the Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS. Use the Import Raster Data from Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS dialog box to specify a folder for the downloaded raster data and to specify the resolution of the imported raster data.
An image with level data can be imported as imagery or a surface can be created from it, but an image without level data can only be imported as imagery. When you select raster data to import, the Import Raster Data from Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS dialog box will be displayed so you can specify parameters.
You can import the same raster data multiple times into a drawing so that you can specify different resolution settings and areas of interest.
There are tradeoffs between performance and image quality because they are inversely related. Higher-quality images will be larger files and may affect performance speed. Performance is also dependant on your connection speed. For example, the following options for the area of interest and resolution are recommended for importing the raster data:
If you import a Nearmap image with 0.074646 metre/pixel, the recommended area of interest is 2.5km x 2.5km or 3km x 3km.
For more information, see Cell size of raster data.
How to find the source resolution in ArcGIS Online data
At the following image server, https://gis.cupertino.org/cupgis/rest/services/Public/2016Aerial_ImageService/ImageServer, you can find the following information about the spatial reference and pixel size:
For more information, see the image coordinate system's Well Known ID: https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/projected-coordinate-systems.htm.