Roundabout Standard Editor: Roundel Geometry: Crown Lines

Expand Roundel Geometry and click on the Crown Lines tab.

Select Crown Lines to create crown lines automatically when the roundabout is placed.

There are two regions that may have crown lines; the approach roads (the arms) and the circulatory area. The approach road crown lines are defined on the Approach tab.

Within the circulatory area there are two types of crown lines that may be created: Island to Island or Circulatory.

The Primary Crown Line Offset is measured from the apron and is expressed as a percentage of the circulatory width. Thus 0% would place a crown line on the apron and 100% would place it at the outside edge of travel way.
Note: The primary crown line must be outside the secondary crown line. If not, the values are swapped. This happens even if the secondary crown line is disabled.

If you want to define two crown lines on your circulatory area, select Add Secondary Crown Line and edit the Secondary Crown Line Offset if necessary.

In all cases, the Max and Min values represent the limiting values from the adopted design standard and the Default value will be used when the roundabout is first placed. A default value MUST be provided but Max and Min may be blank if there is no limiting value.