To Create an Arc/Line Survey Junction

You can calculate the intersection(s) of a line established by two points, and an arc established by a radial point and radius.

To calculate an Arc/Line intersection in the Survey Command Window

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click the network to edit, and click Survey Command Window.
  2. Click Intersections menu Arc/Line.
  3. Enter the point identifier of the arc center.
  4. Enter the radius of the arc.
  5. Enter the starting point identifier of the line.
  6. Enter the ahead or the direction point for the line.
  7. Enter an offset.
  8. Enter one of the following options:
    • N: To select the northern-most intersection.
    • S: To select the southern-most intersection.
    • E: To select the eastern-most intersection.
    • W: To select the western-most intersection.
    • R: To select the nearest intersection.
    • F: To select the farthest intersection. 1: To select intersection 1.
    • 2: To select intersection 2.
    • A: To select all the intersections.
    • P: To pick the intersection with your pointing device.

To calculate an Arc/Line intersection, using the survey command language

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click the network to edit, and click Survey Command Window.
  2. At the Command line, enter:

    ARCLN [point] [radius] [point 1] [point 2] [offset]

Command Line Example

NE 1 100 100

NE 2 200 200

NE 3 250 100

ARCLN 3 200 1 2 -100

! INTERSECTION # 1 NORTH:387.066972 EAST:245.645615

! INTERSECTION # 2 NORTH:104.354385 EAST:-37.066972

Intersections are located between an arc radius of 200 with the center at Point 3 and a line drawn between Points 1 and 2 with an offset distance of 100 to the left.

Intersection of arc and line

Command Syntax

ARCLN [point] [radius] [point 1] [point 2] [offset]

Parameter Definition
point The point number of the radial (center) point.
radius The radial distance in feet or meters. The radial distance is the length of a line from the radius point to the arc.
point 1, point 2 The existing points that establish the position and direction of the line. Point 1 is the start point and point 2 is the end point. These points can be any points including figure points.
offset The offset from the vector. This acts as if the line is moved a specified number of feet (or meters) to the left or right. An offset to the right is a positive number, and an offset to the left is a negative number. If you do not want any offset, then use zero.