To Assess Exceptions

  1. Highlight an exception in the left hand pane and the Exception Details are displayed in the right hand pane.

    Exceptions are typically justified by the designer and then assessed by a checking authority.

  2. Before an exception can be assessed it must be considered justified by the designer or submitting body. The designer should enter his justification for the exception in the edit field marked Justification.
  3. The action of entering text in the Justification field enables the Justified By field, which in turn enables the Date and Justified tick box.
  4. Only when the Justified box is selected will the assessment fields be enabled. The justification fields will now be disabled.
  5. If an object is edited causing an exception to move, the justification fields will be reset. At this point, the user may either enter the justification again or click the Recall button (if enabled) to recall the last justification used. Clicking the Recall button restores other justifications. Finally, the user must select the Justified box to confirm.
  6. Once justified, exceptions can have one of four assessment statuses:
    • Pending: An exception that has yet to be assessed
    • Approved: An exception that has been assessed and approved unconditionally
    • Approved With Conditions: An exception that has been assessed and approved subject to stated conditions
    • Rejected: An exception that has been assessed and rejected

    The top frame contains the details of the exception and, where appropriate, a location on the entity.

    The middle section allows the engineer to provide a justification for, or explanation of, the exception together with space for a name or initials and a date.

    Finally the lower section is for the checking authority to grant an approval status.

  7. Note: The Status can be changed regardless of whether any justification has been provided.