Create Pipe Network Reference Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to create a data reference to a pipe network.

Source Pipe Network

Specifies the pipe network data shortcut from which to create the reference. Click to change the data shortcut or display all available pipe network data shortcuts.

Network Name

Specifies a system-generated name for the pipe network reference. To edit the name, click .

Network Description

Specifies an optional description of the pipe network reference.

Network Parts List

Specifies the parts list associated with this pipe network reference.


Displays the layer on which the pipe network reference will be created. To change the layer click and select a layer.

Override Reference Surface

If you select this option, each referenced part references the surface specified here.

Override Reference Alignment

If you select this option, each referenced part references the alignment specified here.

Note: If neither Override Reference option is selected, each part from the source drawing matches the same-named object (surface or alignment) in the reference drawing. When specific parts reference surfaces or alignments that cannot be found in the reference drawing, the following warning appears in event viewer: Reference <Object> not found in reference drawing. In this case, these network parts are created with a value of <none> for the missing reference object.
Include Source Labels

If you select this option, labels or label sets are copied with the reference object as they exist in the source drawing. Otherwise, specified label style options apply and label styles will be created when the referenced parts are added to the drawing.

Note: Spanning pipe labels are created in the reference drawing matching their data from the source drawing. They reference the same parts as were specified when the spanning label was created.
Structure Label Style and Pipe Label Style

These fields display the current styles for structure and pipe labels. Click the arrow to display the structure and pipe label styles in the drawing. specifies the style options. Create a new style, copy or edit the current style selection or pick a style from drawing. opens the Style Detail dialog box. Preview the style and creation information.