Display Tab (Bridge Projection Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to control the visibility and display of bridge components when they are projected in a profile view.

View Direction

Bridge projection styles are used in profile view only.
Note: The appearance of bridge objects in plan and model view is controlled by layer settings that you specify in the Bridges to Civil 3D dialog box when you bring an InfraWorks bridge into Civil 3D.

Component Display

You can set the following style characteristics for the bridge projection components: Visibility, Layer, Colour, Linetype, LT Scale, Lineweight and Plot Style.

Bridge components include:

  • Pier
  • Foundation
  • Girder
  • Deck
  • Generic Object
    Note: Generic objects are created in Civil 3D if the InfraWorks bridge model contains generic objects. Generic objects are also created from bearing assemblies and cross frames that exist in the bridge dataset.
  • Abutment

For more information, see Display Tab (Style Dialog Box).