To Create Blocks From COGO Points

The blocks can be used in backward migration to other AutoCAD programs, or to create objects that represent the spatial location of specified civil points in the active drawing.

  1. Home tab Create Ground Data panel Points menu Create Blocks From COGO Points .
  2. Specify a Spatial Filter.
  3. Under Selected Point Groups, click and specify the point groups you want included in the block.
    Note: You can select the points to include in the block using both the Spatial Filter and Point Group options. For example, under Spatial Filter you could select the Current Display and under Point Groups you could also include a specified point group.
  4. In the Block Output section, under Block Creation, click either Use Existing Block or Make New Block. If you select Make New Block, enter a name.
    Note: The option Use Existing Block is only available if the block contains at least three attribute definitions with the exact names LEV, POINT, and DESC. If there are no blocks in the drawing with these exact attribute definitions, this option is not available. Then you must use the Make New Block option.
  5. Under Block Layer, specify the layer on which you want to create the block.
    Note: The COGO points are not deleted when the blocks are created.