Roundabout Standard Editor: Arm Geometry: Slip Lane Elevations

Expand Arm Geometry and click on the Slip Lane then the Slip Lane Elevations tab.

Inner Edge of Travelway Elevation

Middle Curve Elevation Adjust sets a relative change in elevation from the outer edge of the roundabout to the middle point of the inner curve of the slip lane.

Select Entry has an additional elevation adjustment to enable the Entry Elevation Adjust and Entry Elevation Adjust Offset fields.

Entry Elevation Adjust sets a relative change in elevation from the outer edge of the roundabout to the start of the curve of the slip lane.

Entry Elevation Adjust Offset sets how far from the Middle Curve Adjustment location towards the entry that the Entry Elevation Adjust value is applied.

Select Entry has an additional elevation adjustment to enable the Exit Elevation Adjust and Exit Elevation Adjust Offset fields.

Exit Elevation Adjust sets a relative change in elevation from the outer edge of the roundabout to the end of the curve of the slip lane.

Exit Elevation Adjust Offset sets how far from the Middle Curve Adjustment location towards the exit that the Entry Elevation Adjust value is applied.


Entry Transition Distance is measured as the transition from the incoming cross slopel defined at the entry to the cross slope that applies along the deceleration section.

Entry Region Cross Slope is the section of the slip lane after the Entry Transition Distance.

Entry Curve Transition Distance is measured as the distance before the curve in the deceleration section of the road that transitions between the Entry Curve Cross Slope value and the Entry Region Cross Slope value.

Entry Curve Cross Slope sets the cross slope value for the entry curve.

Middle Curve Cross Slope sets the cross slope value for the middle of the curve.

Exit Curve Cross Slope sets the cross slope value for the entry curve.
Note: The transition from the Entry Curve Cross Slope to the Middle Curve Cross Slope and Exit Curve Cross Slope is linear.

Exit Curve Transition Distance is measured as the distance before the curve in the deceleration section of the road that transitions between the Exit Curve Cross Slope value and the Exit Region Cross Slope value.

Exit Region Cross Slope is the section of the slip lane before the Exit Transition Distance.

Exit Transition Distance is measured as the transition from the outgoing cross slope defined at the exit to the cross slopel that applies along the deceleration section.