About Creating Points on an Alignment by Importing ASCII Files

Creates points along an alignment by importing points from an ASCII (text) file that contains chainage, offset, and level information.

The file you import can contain the chainage, offset, level, and description of each point. The level can be expressed as either a single value (level) or a pole reading with instrument height (pole, hi).

ASCII (text) files that use the following layouts (formats) can be imported:

Use commas or spaces as delimiters (separators) in the file. Include one or more comment lines in the file by putting a semi-colon (;) or a pound sign (#) in the first column of a comment line.

The following is an example of data in an ASCII (text) file that is formatted using the Chainage, Offset, Level format:

#station, offset, elevation: subdivision 1
0 20.0 112.00
10 23.5 114.64
20 22.5 116.56
30 23.0 116.32
40 22.0 115.83

The first line in this example is a comment line that is ignored when the points are imported. Each of the remaining lines contains the chainage, offset, and level for a point. The file is delimited by spaces.

Before you import the file, you are prompted to describe the format of the ASCII (text) file. You can also be prompted to specify invalid indicator values for chainage/offsets, levels, and pole heights.

Point settings, styles, layers, point groups, and description keys can all affect how a point is created or how it is displayed in the drawing.