To Edit Survey Figure Vertices

Expand the Survey Figure Properties dialog box where you have editing options for each figure vertex displayed in the list view.

You can add, remove, reorder, and change the point identifier (name or number) for each survey figure vertex. Figure preview graphics are displayed in the drawing indicating the selected vertices. An arrow head is displayed at the end of each segment to indicate the order (direction) of the figure vertices. Specify the color for the current vertex in the Interactive Graphics section of the Survey User Settings.

The following illustration shows an example of the figure preview graphics:

  1. Open the Figure Properties dialog box by doing one of the following:
    • Right-click a figure in the drawing Edit Survey Figure Properties.
    • In the drawing select a figure. On the Figure contextual tab, click Survey Figure Properties Find.
  2. Click to expand the dialog box.
  3. Use the icons to perform editing operations. For a description of the available options, see Survey Figure Properties dialog box.
  4. In the list view Number or Name column, you can clear the value to disassociate the vertex from the referenced survey point. Enter a new point number or name if necessary. When the Number or Name column is clear, the Easting, Northing, and Level columns are enabled and you can edit those values.