To Create Multi-Point Curves in a Survey Figure

Within an active Figure, where (BEG <Figure name>) has been invoked, you can enter a figure command to specify subsequent points to define multiple points on a curve.

After the points on the curve have been defined, you can enter a command to end the multi-point curve and subsequent points will define line segments. The figure object created from the multi-point curve contains contiguous arc segments for each multi-point curve range.

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click a named network Survey Command Window.
  2. At the Command line, enter:

    BEGIN [figure]

  3. With the BEGIN command active, enter:


    The next points you enter will define the points on the curve.

  4. Enter MCE to end the curve on the figure. Entering MCE does not end the figure. Enter END to end the active figure or enter BEGIN to start a new figure.

Command Line Example

NE 1000 1000



NE SS 2 1100 1100


NE SS 3 1140 1120

NE SS 4 1800 1110

NE SS 5 1180 1070


NE SS 6 1160 1020


Command Syntax

BEGIN [figure] and then MCS

Command Synonyms

BEG and MCS to start curve

MCE to end the Multi-point Curve command

Parameter Definition
figure The name of the figure.